Monday, November 12, 2007

A few pics and maybe a video if it works...

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Mama always told me....

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Remembering that tonight. But, the longer I stay quiet, the longer it continues to boil. Sooner or later the pot boils over--and that's a mess.

Prayer please :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The weekend

The house is a mess, the laundry needs done, the painting in the bathroom STILL needs done, the hostas need cut back, the kids need attention, etc., etc. I will attempt to prioritize and conquer. We'll see what happens. If you were planning on showing up today, please don't-- I would be be embarrassed at the shape of things around here:) However, tomorrow is a holiday for me so I will be home and the kids will be at school. Now THAT should be a productive day. Today...we'll see.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

A few pics

I have become a delinquent blogger. Some days I don't have time, some days I don't have any organized thoughts and some days I just don't have the energy. So in order to post something I went through a few pics from the last two weeks or so. Nothing spectacular, just some of my favorite young people....

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Sunday, November 04, 2007

What a beautiful day

This afternoon I had plans to paint the bathroom, do laundry, maybe get a little yardwork done and pick up the house a little. What we actually got done was: play baseball, watch a little of the race, rode the 4 wheeler and a long horseback ride. What a great day! Now, the bathroom still needs painted, laundry finished, and yard work is left for another day but that is ok. We had fun!

(Colby got a new saddle this week. The last one we bought was just a little too big so we bought one for the interim. She loves it and is a lot more comfortable. She rode more confidently today and I think it was because this saddle fits her so much better.)

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Saturday, November 03, 2007

Four random pictures from today

A duck at Discovery Park that has a very pretty green head
Tried to get some fall pics of the kids. Not much luck in getting what I was looking for.
Colby and Mackenzie--Colby's hair is getting so long!
Monkeying around at the playground
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Mississippi Sunset

Spent some time this week at my friend's cabin on the Mississippi. I couldn't help but photograph the sun setting on this beautiful day.

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Look mom, no hands...

Hands free faucets, handsoap, toilet flushing, hand dryers and now this....

A hands free toilet paper dispenser. I think I like it. Now, they just need to have public bathroom doors open and shut hands-free. Door knobs disgust me. I know, I'm a little bit of a germaphobe.....