Saturday, March 31, 2007

After the storm......

We did have quite a storm out here this afternoon. It was a blessing to keep power through the storm and nothing beats a beautiful rainbow after all is calm. It was a very vibrant rainbow. We could see it all from one end to the other. After a short time we noticed a double rainbow. Hopefully the weather straightens up for tomorrow. There is TOO much yardwork to be done to stay inside again tomorrow.

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

A boring post - recap of the week.

Things are all quiet in the house tonight. The typical late evening sounds of the dishwasher, washer and dryer are all that can be heard. Kids are sleeping peacefully and I am pretty much just wasting time :) It's been a fast moving week. Monday was a little crazy with gymnastics at two different times and soccer practice in between. Then Tuesday conferences, Wednesday NOTHING and tonight Greg got the soccer duty while I came home and cooked (if you call making Hamburger Helper cooking :), picked up the house and started laundry.

This week at work has been a complete brain drain. I am learning and setting up a new computer system and website so that our customers will have the opportunity to register for our classes online. This is very brain intensive training and I am amazed at how much work goes into the setting up of a system of this magnitude. Hopefully, once the initial work is done and I get more familiar with it all, that it will be easy to maintain and operate. But, for now my brain is on overload and I have three more full days of training. Pray for my stamina this week and next!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Survived another conference night

Tonight was Colby's spring conference. I dread the hours leading up to conferences. I am always afraid that I am going to hear something that I don't want to hear or that something shocking is going to be revealed and I will be devestated. But, we once again are very happy with Colby. She is doing very, very well. Her basic skills test scores were almost all 95 or above. She is reading and comprehending at a 5th grade level and continues to amaze me with her eagerness to learn. She is a gifted learner and it all seems to come very naturally to her. For that I am so grateful. It seems there are so many other issues to struggle with as she grows up that I am just so very thankful she doesn't have to struggle with her academics.

But, for some reason, every day when I drop her off and every night when I pick her up, I wonder how the day will go or has went. She is just so very 'Colby' and you just never know what she will come up with. But, although she is not perfect and there is always room for improvement, we are so happy with her continued effort to be a good student and couldn't ask for any more.

Conquering Fear...

I gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which I must stop and look fear in the face...I say to myself, I have lived through this and can take the next thing that comes along.
--Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, March 25, 2007


OK - We have a ton of ladybugs around here. I know, they are Japanese Beetles, but to me they are ladybugs. And I hate them, every last one of them is a thorn in my side. We also are lucky enough to have Box Elder Bugs which are just as fruitful and annoying as the ladybugs. Lately, I have been seeing these bugs pictured below. They are shaped in the front like a ladybug and in the back like a box elder bug. They are a little bigger than a ladybug, but a little smaller than a box elder. I think we have a little cross-breeding going on and we now have box elder beetles. Just what I need--a third little creature to drive me crazy. Might make for a good science experiment for the kids someday. This is nature that I could definately do without.
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Tonight's sunset....

I had just sent Creighton upstairs to take a shower when I glanced outside and saw a beautiful array of colors in the sky. Pinks, blues, oranges--they were all there. However, I don't seem to have captured the moment very well. This was the only decent shot I got--doesn't even come close to the real thing. Very pretty out here tonight.

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A happy little boy

Lots of dirt, mud, swinging, running, playing, bike riding today. That makes for one HAPPY little boy at this house!
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Especially for Dave :)

My kids have picked up on my love of photography and they want to be behind the camera just as much as I do. I however, would definately prefer to be behind the lens rather than in front of it :) After a long, long day of working outside Creighton insisted that he take my picture. Reluctantly, but lovingly, I let him. Now, typically I prefer my picture to NEVER appear on the blog, but today was different. I just KNEW that my brother Dave would LOVE my hat SOOOO much that I had to post it :) And Dave, if you ask really nice I will let you borrow it sometime--but only for a very special occassion.....

And, for you non-NASCAR fans--that's a Jimmie Johnson hat :)
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I am officially ready for spring. I finally got a chance to get outside and do some yardwork. Greg is working a ton of hours this weekend so we didn't see him today. But, I worked my tail off hauling branches, digging leaves and dead plants out of the landscape beds. And I hauled many, many loads of mulch from the mulch pile to the house and began the seemingly neverending mulching process. The annual pots are placed and the beds are ready for planting. The perennials are beginning to peak out so it won't be long for things to be lush again. I can't wait for some green and some flowers.

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

THE Dress!

Today was the day that Colby has been waiting for. She got to go dress shopping for her "mini-bride's" dress for my cousin's wedding in July. We tried on many, but this one stood out. We loved the little train and the style was perfect for her tiny figure. The ivory and champagne color was beautiful, however we ordered pure white to match the bride. It's bought and will be arriving in twelve "short" weeks :) She was unusually quiet today as she admired the many dresses. She is excited, but possibly a little nervous too. She will be a beautiful little bride.
Aunt Linda and Britney helping cinch up the dress so we could see what it would really look like in the right size :)
I love the back of this dress. Obviously this mirror shot doesn't show the detail, but it is just gorgeous.
Thankful we don't have to walk this little girl down the aisle for about 20 more years.....
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Who's The Boss?

This morning Creighton asked me, "When Daddy is sleeping are me and you the boss?". Little does he know mom is always the boss :)

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Why is it that I can not find it in me to buy myself anything new? Yes, I bought a new car, but it was needed and not really just for me--that is our family's transportation. And yes, I bought some new rugs for the kitchen, but again, not really for me. The list goes on. But very rarely do I actually go out and buy myself something.

Today I had to take my car to Bettendorf for service. Yes, we received 3 years free service when we bought our car. However, my day spent in the Quad Cities is NEVER free. So, I'm not really sure how much the free service deal is really paying off.

Anyway, back to the issue at hand. I can't buy myself anything. My kids have drawers and drawers and closets FULL of clothes. Nice clothes. And what did I do today--went shopping and bought them a ton of clothes. I wear socks with holes and underwear that have seen better days, but just keep wearing them anyway. I wear the same crap to work week after week, yet my kids could go for weeks without having to wear the same outfit twice. Last week Colby had a friend overnight and I attempted to convince her that having your big toes sticking out of the end of your socks was the latest fashion craze. They laughed, but didn't buy in :)

So, today I saw a purse I wanted, but refused to pay $40 for it. Saw several pair of shoes that I would love to have. Bought none. Completely avoided the clothing racks so I wouldn't be disgusted because I wanted something, but wouldn't buy it. Yet, my children thought it was Christmas when I got home as they rummaged through all the packages.

And honestly, I would rather come home and see their faces light up because they got a new shirt or a new jacket than feel guilty because I bought something for me. And really, holey socks aren't that bad. You just have to get used to them....:)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Very Random

Nothing too exciting going on here. Nothing blogworthy to report (not that there ever is). Trying hard to convince myself to get off of the computer and on my stepper. So far computer has won.

Creighton is so cute with his helmet on. Just wish he would stay stationary. He scares me....

This is a picture that Colby took of one of her (7) cats--she was proud of it :)
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Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Red Rocket

Creighton getting some safety information from his dad before take off....

He is a 100% daring little man....

We used to put the 4-wheeler in first gear and let him go. He didn't know how to shift so we were able to control his speed. Not any more. He hopped on, revved it up, took off, and quickly shifted into 2nd gear. So far he hasn't figured out that there is a 3rd gear--although it won't be long. Stay safe little man, stay safe.
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A few signs of spring

Although, in general, everything is still brown and drab, there are just a few hints of spring in the yard. The trees and bushes have buds just waiting to burst during the next warm sunny day. Anxiously awaiting some green around here....

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Accessories, Accessories......

"The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize" Clairee from Steel Magnolias....obviously I have seen that movie WAY too many times ;)
Anyway--I have been looking for fun little "train" things to accessorize Creighton's room. I have found some neat stuff on ebay this week that should be arriving soon. I found the Lionel Train lamp at Menards of all places (it even goes into motion and makes sounds). But, what stands out most is the WONDERFUL train photos that my friend Dan took in South Dakota. They are GREAT!! There are more than just these three shown, but I haven't taken photos of the whole room yet (it is still incomplete). Thanks Dan for use of your photos. They are beautiful and Creighton was THRILLED!!

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Getting Veeerrrryyyy Close :)

We are getting very close to getting Creighton's "train room" done. Greg's parents helped with all of the construction part of it, I did all of the painting and today my mom did all of the detailed hanging up stuff and put up the mural. And today, Dave, Tangie and the kids watched Creighton while we worked so that he would have a little suprise when he got home. It has been a group effort and everyone's help has been so appreciated! Final pictures will come when I get all my stuff I have ordered off of ebay this week and carpet is laid next Monday. But, for today, Creighton was very excited to have trains on his walls, bed and train curtains . Never mind that his carpet is covered with paint and drywall mud :)

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Just because...

One more picture just because she is just too cute.....
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Farmer Day

Today was Farmer Day at Colby's school. They were supposed to dress like farmers. Well you would think we of all people would be able to pull that off, but we didn't have much. So, Greg's flannel shirt, some jeans, boots and a bandana with pigtails it was. She thought it was wonderful. I thought she kind of looked like a maid or a housekeeper or something along those lines. But she thought she was a farmer and that's what counts....very cute nonetheless....

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

An exciting morning at our house

You would have thought it was Christmas at our house this morning. I let Colby wear capri pants and Creighton got to wear short sleeves and his light jacket. They thought it was the greatest day ever. No more bulky winter gear, YEAH! Thankful for a few glimpses of spring this week even though another cool spell is on it's way. At this point we will take every warm day and enjoy it.

Monday, March 12, 2007

The lowdown on the ear problem....

OK - I have not had much more than a minute to describe what went on with my ear appointment. Life has been going full blast at home and at work. Finally, tonight the house is quiet and today's tasks are complete.

As you remember I was in such excruciating pain with my ear last weekend that I landed in the ER at Mercy Hospital spending a good portion of a day there. I was assuming I had the typical ear infection that I often get which last time I let go my eardrum broke. Not good. So I was informed by the ER doctor that my ear was not infected, but I had a 'growth' on my eardrum. I couldn't believe the high level of pain that I was in. I described it to the doctor as "feeling like I was having labor pains in my ear". Yep, that bad. So home with pain killers and a note to see the ear dr. Monday (which I put off until Thursday).

Anyway, the 'growth' on my eardrum turned out to be a deformity caused by all of the previous ear infections and broken drum. My eardrum is also what the doctor described as 'flacid'. Meaning instead of nice and tight like it should be it is stretched out like a piece of loose flappy skin. Yeah, nice. Therefore instead of being tight and allowing sound to bounce off of it properly it just sort of lays on top of the three little ear bones not allowing me to hear very good out of it. Ok that is problem #1.

Problem #2 - I have Eustachian tube dysfunction which doesn't allow the air flow to move properly in and out of my ear. This is also what contributes to a lot of my ear and sinus infections. Lovely.

Problem #3 - My allergies. I do not like to take medicine. Therefore, I suffer with allergies and only take medicine when it becomes unbearably uncomfortable. So, the allergies create lots of snot and it doesn't drain properly, etc because of the ear and Eustachian tube problems. So he demanded that I see the allergist and get that under control. Beautiful.

And for the reason my ear hurt. Problem #4 - Temporomadibular Joint Disorder. Which has absolutely nothing to do with my ear, but the pain from this is felt mainly in the ear. It actually is a problem in my jaw. Specifically in the joint where the upper and lower jaws are connected (which happens to be located directly behind the ear). It is described as being arthritis in the jaw joint. Dr. Simpson said that it is the worst pain some people will ever experience. And let me tell you, it ranks right up there with labor! This is something that will never go away as the joint is damaged. At times it will become inflamed and create the severe pain that I experienced last weekend. So, treatment is this: I have to monitor the things that set it off. Take 3 daily doses of ibuprofin to keep the swelling and inflamation at a minimum. Ice, heat and soft foods during flare-ups. A dental device to keep me from clenching my jaw at night. And narcotics for really bad episodes.

So, all of this for me, the one who doesn't like to go to the doctor or take any medicine. And all of these medical issues. So far, I haven't made the appointment with the allergist. I haven't made an appointment to get fitted my dental device. I haven't been taking my ibuprofin regularly, maybe irregularly, but definately not regularly. I've got to get on the ball here. This all sucks, but could be worse. I will live. It will be painful at times, but I will live.

Sorry for the long complicated medical lesson tonight, but it is what it is.

Of course, a few of my loving family members and friends have suggested that maybe, just maybe, this has been caused by excessive talking. Me? nope, don't think so :)

Dare Mighty Things....

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt
26th president of US (1858 - 1919)

Friday, March 09, 2007

Last Saturday's sunset from my back yard.....

I know I'm only about a week late posting this one. There is just too much other junk cluttering my life all up right now:) So here it is after 11pm on a Friday night and I am blogging a sunset pic from last week. How lame is that?
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Finally...a diagnosis...

I finally got to the dr. yesterday. It was a LONG appointment, with a diagnosis I didn't expect. I will be fine, just not what I anticipated. I'll explain more when I get a minute. It's kind of complicated, chronic. Pain management will be the key. Although there will be many more episodes of pain like I experienced last weekend, I will be fine.....

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Ultimate Gift

I was reading an article about this movie today and thought it sounded interesting.
Watch the trailer--looks pretty good.
Life is how you live it, not how you spend it.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

now for the positives....

With all that is going on this week and last week I feel like satan is throwing some vicious attacks our way. And I feel like I can defend us against this enemy by dwelling not on the negatives, but finding the positives.....
Things I am ever so happy about:
1 - tommorow is a brand new day.
2 - the ceiling guy is coming to finish Creighton's ceiling
3 - the pain in my ear is not as severe
4 - the driveway is no longer 8 inches of mud and I was able to wash my filthy car :)
5 - having electricity--it will be awhile before I take electricity for granted :)
6 - it is only 9:35pm and I am going to bed

I better save the rest for tomorrow in case I can't come up with anything else!

6 Years Ago.....

Again, March 6th doesn't pass on the calendar without sadness and a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. This was possibly one of the most difficult days of my life, March 6, 2001....I wrote last year on this date about the hurts and struggles of having a miscarriage and those feelings still ring true. It is still painful. I wonder at times, will I ever forget about March 6th, 2001? When I am old will March 6th still evoke feelings of pain and loss? I often wonder, what if that baby had lived? We knew there was potential to have a child with some severe complications. Would I be at home raising a child with medical conditions, with physical or mental disabilities? Would we have attempted to have more children? Would Creighton be here today? I don't know the big picture, but I do know that God took good care of all of us. Prayers were answered, although at the time, I thought God was ignoring my desperate plea....

(The following is an excerpt from my last year's post)

I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born.
Isaiah 44:2
March 6, 2001
I know it is not 2001, however, this date has some significance to me and probably always will. March 6th will never pass on the calendar without creating a sad and heavy heart in me. This is the day that the little baby I was carrying inside me passed on. I carried this baby for three and a half months and loved her like every mother loves her unborn child. I heard her heartbeat, I saw her on the ultrasound and I never hurt so bad as the day that she was gone. For three and a half months I knew that I was carrying a baby that had very severe defects and if it was viable, we would be facing some serious complications. It was a very stressful three months not knowing what the future would hold for our family. I begged and pleaded with God every day to somehow fix it all. And He did. Although it hurt, I knew that there was a reason for my loss and I knew that it was all part of bigger picture that I may never understand.

The day is still very vivid in my mind. I won't go into the graphic details and I do hope that someday those details fade. I never asked, "why me", but instead I harbored this inner struggle and dark spot in my heart that I knew I would have until I felt my family was complete.

Trials are used to shape character in a person and in a family. And as Rick Warren states in "The Purpose Driven Life" (which I am reading for about the third time), the good news is that God never allows the tests you face to be greater than the grace He gives you to handle them.

After experiencing a painful loss, I have learned that the miracle of life truly is a miracle. And, I have never felt so blessed as each time that I have been chosen to be a child's mother. All three times....

I know that there are many, many women out there that face this same struggle. And I hope by having the courage to share my heart someone else will be able to say, "me too...I have that same pain. Yes, there are many of us. And it is ok to hurt."

Monday, March 05, 2007

Way behind....

With all that has went on over the last week I got a little behind on blogging. Then when I finally did get home and had power, my computer was a mess. So all problems fixed (except my ear:) and lots of pictures to follow......

Colby at gymnastics.....



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