Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Survived another conference night

Tonight was Colby's spring conference. I dread the hours leading up to conferences. I am always afraid that I am going to hear something that I don't want to hear or that something shocking is going to be revealed and I will be devestated. But, we once again are very happy with Colby. She is doing very, very well. Her basic skills test scores were almost all 95 or above. She is reading and comprehending at a 5th grade level and continues to amaze me with her eagerness to learn. She is a gifted learner and it all seems to come very naturally to her. For that I am so grateful. It seems there are so many other issues to struggle with as she grows up that I am just so very thankful she doesn't have to struggle with her academics.

But, for some reason, every day when I drop her off and every night when I pick her up, I wonder how the day will go or has went. She is just so very 'Colby' and you just never know what she will come up with. But, although she is not perfect and there is always room for improvement, we are so happy with her continued effort to be a good student and couldn't ask for any more.

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