Thursday, March 30, 2006

A Good Report

Had Colby's conference at school tonight. Her class had theirs a little later than the rest of the school because her teacher has been out with an ill husband.

She is doing so good in first grade. I am so proud of her. Reading has come very naturally to her, and she is reading at a third grade level. Her core average on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills was 95! Because of her scores on that test she was invited to attend College for Kids. I am so happy for her. Her teacher is also recommending that she be put in the TAG reading program (talented and gifted). I think all of these things will be great confidence boosters for her.

Her teacher also said that she loves Colby's personality and she can have such a big heart sometimes and loves to help someone who is in need. One example she shared tonight was that Colby helped a girl in her class who had wet her pants on the way to the bathroom. She helped her get some fresh clothes from the office, get cleaned up and changed. The teacher asked Colby to please not tell the other students what had happened and she never said a word to the other kids all day. They also got a little boy from New Orleans who was extremely shy and behind the other kids. Colby took him under her wing and tried to help him with his work and played with him at recess. That's the stuff I love to hear.

Now for the stuff I don't like to hear. There's not much, but still an area of concern. Colby can't sit still for long periods of time and she likes to talk ALOT (when she shouldn't be)! She also has a tendency to mess around at times and then rush to get her work done. Obviously it hasn't effected her grades at all (yet). I pray that this just works itself out.

She has a true love for learning and I am grateful. I hope that academics will never be a struggle for her as there are already enough struggles in growing up.

Well, we just had the first thunderboom so Colby is now standing at my side. She could sleep through a semi driving through her room, but the first crack of lightning/thunder she is up. It could be a long night.

(Also - this picture is of Colby being kissed by Mimi the sea lion when we were on vacation. She thought that was pretty special!) Posted by Picasa

Sharing a Drink

Let me start by saying that my kids have never had pop to drink. They have tasted it, but have never been allowed to actually have a pop. Colby doesn't like it and never even really asks for it and Creighton said it is "spicy". (meaning that the carbonation burns his tongue). Although last night for some reason he insisted he wanted a drink of mine.

As far as Greg and I are concerned there is absolutely no reason that any young child or toddler needs to drink pop. I guess we just prefer them to always drink something with at least some nutritional value. They have enough other deficits in their diets, they don't need to add that to it.

However, I am a self-confessed Diet Pepsi addict. I guess I should say that I am a caffeine addict who doesn't like coffee. So, diet pepsi is my caffeinated beverage of choice.

Wow, turned into a long preface before the real story here. Anyway - yesterday I had gotten a fountain pop with lots of ice, drank the pop and it sat on the counter at home until all of the ice melted. Creighton spied the cup (of now melted ice) and began to drink. He said that it was good and he would like to share it with me. He really thought he was having a pop and was trying to act very grown up. So he said, "sit down then you will take a drink and then I will take a drink". So we sat at the table and traded the cup back and forth drinking our melted ice water. Every time it was my turn he said "ok, now you take a drink mom". It was quite a precise process.

We continued this pattern until all the ice water was gone. When he finished it off, he gave me a grin and an "ahhh". He was so refreshed after sharing a nice drink and conversation with his mom. Even though it was just melted ice....

(ok - this story did not come out the way I wanted. I guess it was just one that you had to be there for. oh well, it's enough information to jog my memory about this cute moment with my baby boy :-)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


OK - I debated actually admitting this publicly. But what the heck, it's my blog and this is what is happening in my life.

Today, all things considered, has been what I would call fairly smooth. Until now - I just discovered that my bra has broken. Not something I keep extras of here at work. Keep in mind, I work in an office of men only. Picture this - having to go into your MALE boss's office and ask to go home so that you can change your bra which has malfunctioned! No, I didn't do that and he is not here today anyway. But, I was a little up in arms about how to fix this--tape?, a twisted paperclip?, staples?. So I rummaged through my desk and found a safety pin, whew! Problem solved for now and no embarrassing admittance was necessary. A little uncomfortable, but nothing I can't handle for 6 more hours!

(And Cassie, it is ok, I will go buy a new one. I promise! It is probably time to throw a few out anyway. But, please don't show up on my doorstep with a new bra ;-)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Fish and Frogs

I was watching this scene unfold from a distance and decided I better zoom in and take a picture. The landscape pond has finally thawed and Creighton and one of the pups were examining it closely for any signs of life. Both bent over with their heads just above the water, I noticed that they were having quite a conversation. What I would have given to hear what they were talking about. It must have been a pretty one-sided conversation, but the pup was seemingly listening very attentively! I am sure it had something to do with fish or frogs or bugs or mud or something along those lines. Somedays country living is so hard, but little moments like this make it so worth it....

Sunday, March 26, 2006

All or Nothing

OK - after yesterday of having nothing to say, I have too MUCH to say today. Four posts follow and I could have put up a couple more pics, but thought I better stop for today. I'll save the others for a day that I have nothing to say again!

Mud Pies!

Usually on warm days the first thing the kids want to do is make mud pies. So they drag buckets of dirt, bowls, water and various utensils (from my kitchen, of course!) up to the top of the playhouse to create their concoction. Today the menu consisted of "gumball mudpies". I asked them who was going to eat their pie and I was told that I was. That will teach me to ever ask THAT question again!

Today was a great spring day. Church, lunch, lots of playing and early to bed for all. Can't wait for another day like this. Posted by Picasa

Little Helper

Colby was the painter today. Greg's dad is building us a "cubbie cabinet" for our coats, hats, shoes etc. Our closet seems to be overstuffed most of the time so things end up sort of scattered about the entryway. Hopefully, this will help if everyone has their own little space for their stuff. We'll see. I don't know why kids find painting to be fascinating, but they do. I am sure that over time she too will learn to detest this job just as I have, but today it was fun for awhile!

The First Pitch...

Today Creighton not only refined his driving skills, but also his batting skills. After hitting off the tee for awhile he decided that he no longer needed a tee and wanted me to pitch to him. Much to my amazement he hit very well even considering my pitching skills are far from good! Posted by Picasa

Mowing Today (?)

The neighbors probably find us a little weird. The grass is still brown yet you will see a mower zooming through our yard on a regular basis. Creighton has decided that his four-wheeler is no longer sufficient and he needs a faster machine. So this old mower has been converted into a joy ride for the kids. (Yes, safety conscious ones, the mower deck HAS been removed :-) Creighton is quite a good driver and can zip around with ease. And Creighton is right, he has outgrown his little four-wheeler so it is time for a new, bigger toy. I think both of the kids have developed a "need for speed". I don't know how we'll ever keep up. The older they get, the more expensive the toys. Somewhere we'll have to draw the line, but for today the old mower was just fine! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 25, 2006


For the first time in a very long time, I have absolutely nothing to say. There is nothing going on here today, nothing significant (or insignificant for that matter) to report. Colby is practicing flips in the living room, Creighton is sleeping, Greg is working and I am surfing - a very typical scenario! We may just have to head to a movie or something tonight!

But, I do like this picture of Creighton. I love it when I can actually get him to wear a baseball cap. Such a little man.... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 23, 2006

TV-less Night

Oh how I love "no TV" nights at our house. Every once in awhile it is declared a no TV night at home. No one ever complains and we have a good night of family interaction without Spongebob yelling about Crabby Patties in the background.

Tonight I learned that Creighton can sing the ABC's from A-Z with no mistakes. I didn't know he could do this and I am not even sure I know how he learned it.

Colby and I read two books together that have been around for awhile, but we had never gotten to.

Everyone was fed, bathed, read to, cuddled and in bed by 7:50pm and asleep before 8.

It was a simple but perfect night. I will have to remember how good "no TV" nights are. We'll have to do this more often.

(Now, I am off to watch Oprah - just one advantage of being "the mom". They'll never know.) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Too Many Stories

In an effort to avoid any bedtime accidents (which by the way he has NEVER had :-) I am forever reminding Creighton to limit his liquid intake in the evening. I usually say something to the effect of "no more water Creighton or you will pee the bed".

The other night he asked for a snack near bedtime and then decided that maybe he shouldn't because he didn't want to pee the bed. I attempted to explain to him that "drinks might make you pee the bed, food doesn't". So I thought we had that all cleared up.

Tonight as we were doing our bedtime stories Creighton told me, "not too many stories tonight mom or I might pee the bed". Apparently he thinks that any sort of over-indulgance will make him pee the bed.

I think I may have went overboard on this one with my constant reminders. Oh well, better than a 3am bedding change.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Wide Open

I was doing some reading on my lunch hour today and came across the following idea; kids think with their brains and hearts wide open. Becoming an adult is just a slow sewing shut.

Often times I pray that I can go into something with my mind and my heart wide open. Be able to take it all in and then some. Ready to receive, utilize and channel that information properly. But in reality it is hard. I am reminded of our sermon this past weekend at church. In my mind I pointed my finger and thought "this isn't for me", "I know others who would benefit from this". But instead I should have been saying, "how does this pertain to me", "how can I use this in my life". It is so easy to judge others and ignore what is going on internally.

There is something to be said for loving with a childlike love and believing with childlike faith. May I continue be receptive to the things around me and live with my heart and mind wide open. Resisting the slow sewing shut that adulthood brings. I have two little people that are teaching me to do this every day. Praying that I can be a good student and continue to see the world through their eyes, hearts and minds wide open.....

Monday, March 20, 2006


I promise, last vacation photo. I am sure everyone is tired of it by now and ready for me to move on! Heather, you are back in IOWA!

Anyway, something that weighed on me during our vacation....Every picture of the three of us seems to be incomplete. Missing that special little man in our lives! I rationalized not taking him because it was to be a special time for Colby with our undivided attention. Something she hasn't had in three years. And we could go, go, go without the need for naps, etc. We did a lot of things that he just wouldn't have been able to do either because of his age, size or swiming ability. I think it would have been frustrating for him and us too.

With Colby being pretty self-sufficient and able to entertain herself, Greg and I were still able to relax while she played in the pool with the other kids. With Creighton, that wouldn't have happened. I would have needed another vacation to recover! While we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and Creighton did just fine at home, I still felt like something was missing. I don't think I will be doing that again. Next time, he goes! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Another Adventure in Paradise!

Yes, it is really us. Colby and I parasailed 1000 feet above the Atlantic ocean. It was a beautiful ride. She was pretty leary at first. Ok, she begged me not to make her go up (after she saw how high the first group went!). But, she went up with just a few tears during the initial ascent. Once we got up and could see the marine life below and islands for miles around, she thought it was pretty cool.

I guess while we were up, the boat driver told the rest of the passengers that if Colby was still crying when she came down that everyone rides free.

They were all eagerly waiting to see what her status upon arrival was...... A smile from ear to ear! That's my girl. Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 17, 2006

Kissed by a Dolphin

Colby and I did an interactive "swim with the dolpins" program in Key Largo. We both fell in love with these animals and enjoyed our "dolphin kisses" from Jessica and Nina!

It was an awesome experience as we were able to spend 30 minutes in the water interacting with these highly intelligent mammals. There was a trainer on the deck, but it was just us in the water with the dolphins. It was truly amazing how smart they are. They are so lovable and really thrive on human attention and affection. I think they liked our kisses as much as we liked theirs!

I think this is an experience that Colby will never forget! Posted by Picasa

We're BACK!!!!

We are back after a wonderful little break from real life. Lots of unpacking and laundry to tackle, but after a 4:45am start this morning the night could be short. More vacation stories to come soon! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Computer Down and Out

This is my last post until next weekend. My computer will be out of commission until Friday. Hope to be back on-line either Friday or Saturday. Just thought you might be wondering where my daily post is!

Check back on Friday!


We went out to eat the other night with a friend. I forewarned her that is really is not much fun to go out to eat with my lively children. I don't mind it, but for those who are not used to little ones around, it can be a little unnerving.

Adult conversation is replaced by, "stop it, sit down, EAT, don't touch eachother, and hurry, get some extra napkins!" Things were just starting to get a little out of hand when I heard Creighton on his way back to the table bawling his head off. He was running (like I told him not to) and had ran right into a table. I thought his shiner would be a little worse, but it's not too bad. So the night ended with a cut across his nose, a swollen/purple eye and a sad little boy.

Dinner anyone? Posted by Picasa

Lippazaner (sp?) Stallions

Last night was the Lippazaner Stallion show. We were up close and personal with front row seats (except for the row on the floor). These were amazing beasts. The move I liked the most was a mounted "air born" move where the horse jumped and got all four feet off of the ground at the same time. The horses practice some of the moves for 6-9 years before they ever perform. What a disciplined sport.

The kids watched attentively the whole time. Eating popcorn, having lemonade and hot dogs. Colby seemed to be pretty mesmerized by the horses (or else she was really tired and ready to fall asleep!).

When we got there Creighton settled in his seat took off his coat, hat and shoes and was ready for to relax a little while. He's funny. Even when we sit down at a restaurant, off comes his shoes. He's all about comfort!

Anyway, it was something different to do on a Friday night, and we enjoyed it. Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 10, 2006

My Mom

I get such a kick out of some of the stuff I find in Colby's backpack. I especially like the stories she writes. Yesterday I found this story:

My Mom
I like my mom. My mom is cool. She has a cool balsstit. My brother likes her. My mom likes us.
by Colby C.

My Dog
My dog is cool. I like her. She is fat. She is black. She is old. She loves me.
by Colby C.

I have yet to figure out what a balsstit is. I will have to ask her. It looks to me like me and the dog have about the same significance to Colby. Oh well, I am glad she thinks her pets are cool too.

Colby is looking a little "vampirish" lately with all of her teeth missing. I am waiting patiently for them to come back in. At first it was cute, all of the toothless gaps. But now, I am ready for some teeth again! I bet she is too. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 09, 2006

My Best Friend

Every once in awhile the kids will say something that just wakes up the heart.

Last night I was reading to Creighton in the quiet of his room before bed. He looked up at me mid-story and said very sweetly - "mom, you are my best friend".

Creighton, you are my best friend too....

Oh, how I will miss him next week.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


The kids often like to race around in a circle chasing eachother on their four-wheelers. And they are NEVER watching where they are going. They are always looking behind themselves either finding the other one or looking to see what they had just ran over! I can't believe that we have only had a few minor crashes!

Notice that Creighton is looking at Colby and Colby is looking behind her. I am not sure which one of them had just ran into the basketball hoop and knocked it over. I find that when I am out there with them I say over and over, "watch where you are going!" They just laugh at me and keep on. Crazy little kids.

Creighton and Colby have both outgrown their four-wheelers this year. So shopping we go for new ones. It should be a fun summer around here. If it ever arrives. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Finally, after getting supper done, dishes done, laundry put away, more laundry started, mail sorted, a "dance recital" videotaped and uploaded, backpacks de-junked, pj's on everyone, stories read and everyone cuddled and tucked into bed, I am able to settle in at the computer with a big glass of Crystal Lite. Whew...what a night. Supper consisted of waffles and sausage for the kids, I ate what was left on their plates and Greg skipped it altogether. I'm not even sure that is called supper, but the kids got full and would prefer waffles anyway. I guess that is all that matters.

Colby insisted that I videotape her dancing tonight. I tried to blog the video clip and either you can't do that or I was missing something, but it didn't work. It was really cute. She had to get dressed in something "sassy" - a black velour skirt and pink tank top (?), paint her toenails, brush her hair and put my lipstick on. She then told me she had to "warm up". After about 30 seconds of shaking her little hips she was ready for the real thing. She danced and danced trying to re-create Hillary Duff moves she sees on Nickelodeon. Creighton came in and interrupted it all, she gave him a shove, he smacked into the entertainment center and it was push and shove from then on out. She screamed that he ruined her video! I guess she was planning on sending it in to MTV for auditioning. Thanks to Creighton her dancing career has been destroyed. I uploaded it and showed it to them, fighting and all, and they both laughed and laughed. I guess they don't realize how ridiculous they are being when they pester eachother. We all got a good laugh out of the "video" though.

Well, it is back to folding more laundry and watching Oprah to end this crazy night. Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 06, 2006

Hats be gone!

I was just sorting through my pictures today and decided that I am sick and tired of seeing the kids' hats! Every picture I have of them lately is outside with coats and hats on. I miss seeing their little blond heads. Waiting patiently for shorts weather or at least light jackets. May these hats be gone soon! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 05, 2006

March 6, 2001

I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born.
Isaiah 44:2

I know it is not 2001, however, this date has some significance to me and probably always will. March 6th will never pass on the calendar without creating a sad and heavy heart in me. This is the day that the little baby I was carrying inside me passed on. I carried this baby for three and a half months and loved her like every mother loves her unborn child. I heard her heartbeat, I saw her on the ultrasound and I never hurt so bad as the day that she was gone. For three and a half months I knew that I was carrying a baby that had very severe defects and if it was viable, we would be facing some serious complications. It was a very stressful three months not knowing what the future would hold for our family. I begged and pleaded with God every day to somehow fix it all. And He did. Although it hurt, I knew that there was a reason for my loss and I knew that it was all part of bigger picture that I may never understand.

The day is still very vivid in my mind. I won't go into the graphic details and I do hope that someday those details fade. But, the day ended with an emergency surgery, a ruptured fallopian tube, a destroyed ovary, massive hemmoraging and the loss of my little baby. Not only did I grieve the loss of the baby, but I also grieved the fact that I had probably also lost the ability to ever become pregnant again. Not something that had been easy for me even when I had all of my reproductive organs, it was probably out of the question now. I never asked, "why me", but instead I harbored this inner struggle and dark spot in my heart that I knew I would have until I felt my family was complete.

Trials are used to shape character in a person and in a family. And as Rick Warren states in "The Purpose Driven Life" (which I am reading for about the third time), the good news is that God never allows the tests you face to be greater than the grace He gives you to handle them.

After experiencing a painful loss, I have learned that the miracle of life truly is a miracle. And, I have never felt so blessed as each time that I have been chosen to be a child's mother. All three times....

Simple Fun

My kids have plenty to do around here to keep themselves entertained. Four-wheelers, other various riding machines, a playhouse, swingset, basketball hoops, etc. And Colby entertained herself yesterday by digging holes with her plastic shovel and filling up her tea pot with dirt. I think they could have all the toys they ever wanted, and would still find more fun in just digging in the dirt. Posted by Picasa

Puppies, KENNEL UP!!!!

Creighton was outside yesterday trying to hit a few golf balls. At first the puppies were just watching in amazement as he made these balls fly across the yard. Then they discoved that when he sets his ball down, they can quick grab it and take off running. Well, the puppies had a blast playing chase with eachother while one of them had the golf ball in their mouth. But, Creighton would begin crying hysterically and chase after them all the while they played keep away from him. Oh, was he ever mad! Finally, he threw his hands up in defeat and just screamed, PUPPIES, KENNEL UP!!!!! To which they grabbed his ball and took off running. He just couldn't win! Posted by Picasa

Puppy is Watching Nicely

Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 03, 2006

Cooking with the Carlson Kids

Tonight the menu was pepperoni pizza - kid style! For a little Friday night fun I bought some 7 inch round pizza crusts, sauce, pepperoni and cheese and the kids created their own little pizzas. They had fun making them and even made one for their dad too. (I opted to not have one of their concoctions! They were pretty drippy with stuff!)

About 10 years ago, this would not have been an ideal Friday night for me. However, now there is nothing that I would rather be doing.

Looking forward to more of the same this weekend...

A Scare

OK - This little man gave me quite a scare last night. He did something that had potential to be quite dangerous and could have turned out disastrous. But, it didn't. I am not going into the details, but thank you God for putting up that hedge of protection around my child when he is beyond my eyes.

Afterwards we were discussing this "incident" and he was so proud of himself for doing such a "big boy" thing and he truly thought he was helping mom and dad. We didn't even dream of punishing him as his heart was in the right place.

However, he made my heart skip a beat (or two, or three) and I hope never to have that feeling again. I intend to keep him tucked tightly under my protective wing for a long while.....

Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Brand New Day

After a rough day yesterday (for me, anyway), it seems that a good nights sleep and a smooth morning has made way for a little renewed sense of energy. Greg is off work today and took Colby to school and was going to take Creighton out for a little one on one time today. That makes me smile. The kids look forward to his days off, just as I do. Greg's going to pick Colby up after school too. She loves to be able to go home after school versus waiting for me until after 5pm. And with Greg being off today, I am sure I will go home to a clean house, laundry done and supper waiting on the table ;-)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

It Takes A Village...

Today was one of those days that I felt like a useless mom. I got up and got ready for work, got my kids ready and out the door and they were at daycare by 7:45am. I headed to work. Colby was picked up and taken to school by a friend's mom and then cared for by her teacher until 3:30pm. Then she was picked up at school by her babysitter and taken to her daycare until 5:00pm. All the while Creighton remained at daycare from 7:45am to 5:00pm. At 5:00pm I rushed out to pick the kids up only to quickly drive through McDonalds and dump them off at 5:20pm at yet another babysitter (only family this time, thank goodness!). I then headed back to work for a meeting and finally had my children back in my possession at 6:45pm. By the time we got home it was a mad dash to the bathtub and bed.

Greg and I are ultimately responsible for these children, but in our case it truly does take a village to raise them. Many, many thanks to my "village" and the important role that each of you play in these kids lives.

Nothing feels good about today. Sometimes I just can't wait for a new day and a fresh start.....

Mom....My NECK!

Last night I was squeezing and loving Creighton to which he said, "Mommy, you broke my neck!". Sometimes I just can't get enough hugs and kisses from my little people and I just SQUEEZE them! No, his neck is not broke, and I will continue to give these kids loves and squeezes until they won't let me anymore. May that be a LONG time from now....