I was doing some reading on my lunch hour today and came across the following idea; kids think with their brains and hearts wide open. Becoming an adult is just a slow sewing shut.
Often times I pray that I can go into something with my mind and my heart wide open. Be able to take it all in and then some. Ready to receive, utilize and channel that information properly. But in reality it is hard. I am reminded of our sermon this past weekend at church. In my mind I pointed my finger and thought "this isn't for me", "I know others who would benefit from this". But instead I should have been saying, "how does this pertain to me", "how can I use this in my life". It is so easy to judge others and ignore what is going on internally.
There is something to be said for loving with a childlike love and believing with childlike faith. May I continue be receptive to the things around me and live with my heart and mind wide open. Resisting the slow sewing shut that adulthood brings. I have two little people that are teaching me to do this every day. Praying that I can be a good student and continue to see the world through their eyes, hearts and minds wide open.....
I especially notice this when watching them play with strangers. They love meeting new kids on a playground. I find it hard to talk to people I don't know well. Ian has no apprehension at calling someone he just met one of his new best friends. By the way our blog is up. hilbrant.blogspot.com
So true. We just got back from a week in the Keys and Colby had a new friend every day - certainly not afraid, nothing holding her back, mind always wide open. I wish I could do the same. I too have experienced the "slow sewing shut". But I think if I can be more conscious of it, the better it will be. Going to go check out your site now! Glad you checked in!!!
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