Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy, Happy Birthday

Happy 40th Greg!! You are still hot, even in your old age!!!!! HAHAHA. (I'm pretty sure he will be mad that I said he was hot on the blog :)

Your wife and kids wish you a very happy day today-Love you!

Not our year

Things were rough this year. Nothing insurmountable, but just a lot of persistant burdens that left us pretty weary at times.

We have been so looking forward to summer. Greg will be working FAR less hours and be home every weekend. We don't have any major projects going on at the house (besides hopefully moving). So we are looking forward to having a somewhat leisurely summer.

Some day it is sure to warm up. Greg and I worked hard to get the pool cleaned and filled this past weekend. It finally was full yesterday. The kids have been looking forward to swimming this weekend.

Today, it seems as if someone has came in and stolen about 12 inches of water overnight. Houston...we have a problem.

Just another hitch in our get along. Ugh....

Monday, May 26, 2008

They couldn't wait

The pool is only about half full and about 60 degrees and these two wanted to swim. I had to MAKE Creighton get out after a while. I thought for sure he would be frozen to the core. But he asked again after dinner if he could swim 'just a little bit more'.

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We got a lot of work done this weekend and still had plenty of time to play. I need three-day weekends every week :)

Kenzie spent the night Sunday night. The kids love having her with us. And they show their love by fighting for her attention. constantly.
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Loves him a playground....

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Too Little Sleep Makes for a Cranky Colby

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Cats and Dogs

We have a lot of cats running around outside. I think there are about 8 or so out there. Last year we took them all to get fixed. This year we got two strays. Yep, one male, one female. So, we again have kittens. Started out with 4, but two died. And, I found this picture on my camera of our two dogs. (I didn't take it.) My kids seem to be getting way too comfortable taking my camera outside without asking. Time to get them their own?

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All in a day

We go on a lot of walks and bike rides out here. Several of our neighbors have animals. All kinds of animals. My kids think it is totally normal to go on an ordinary, everyday walk and see llamas, emus, buffalo, donkeys, pet geese, etc. Definately 'born and raised in the country' kids...

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Jenny and baby

The kids have been patiently waiting for Jenny (the neighbor's horse) to have her foal. Finally....

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ewww gross...

Yeah. I put on my swim suit to lay in the sun today. Pretty sure that I won't be going anywhere that requires me to wear a swim suit for quite awhile. And, I am keeping my shorts and t-shirt close by so that anyone who shows up unexpectedly at our house doesn't have to go home with scary images in their heads. ugh. tough winter. body shows it.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


So today I wanted to take a long walk, go for a long ride on the horse and get our pool ready to fill. But instead, I mowed grass, crashed my car and got groceries. How quickly our plans can be thrown by the wayside. Time to get off the computer and press on. Doing what I am not sure....


This morning I mowed. Greg took Colby to her pitching lesson. I had to move his big ole farm truck so I could mow. I parked it kind of cock-eyed in the drive behind the garage. I finished mowing and had to go get groceries. Yes, I backed out of the garage in my car and smack into the truck. Expensive trip for groceries...ugh.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

painful to watch

I played softball for a lot of years. I played on a lot of good teams with great coaches. I never thought I could coach my own kid. After tonight I have changed my mind. I can not sit on the sidelines and watch this anymore. I feel sorry for the girls. They are getting slaughtered, and some girls have no concept of the game. Not even the basic fundamentals are there. Ugh. Thanks for listening. Glad I got that off my chest. Now, how do I step in without stepping on toes??? Hmmmm.....

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Full Weekend

Wow. Is it really Sunday night already?! Seems like we were just pulling in the drive saying, "whew, TGIF". And now I am wondering where the weekend went??? Friday night we got all of the annuals planted in all the pots and planters. Saturday morning the kids stayed with mom and dad while I got the house ready for an open house from 2-4pm. Saturday night Colby had a friend stay overnight and then she went with her for the day today. Today I was feeling like I needed a break from everything and we needed to have a non-structured day. So we slept in a little. Messed around the house awhile. Colby went with her friend to make pottery in Davenport. Creighton and I and Maddie spent the day playing. Nothing too significant but it was nice to not HAVE to be anywhere today and not have to get anything accomplished necessarily. We didn't have to get up early, didn't leave the house until about 11am, visited gramma and grampa, played at the park, went to the Charthouse for lunch, stopped at a friend's cabin on the Mississippi, back to the park, back to gramma and grampa's, pick up Colby, came home, watered flowers, went for a bike ride, played catch with the football, ate supper, took showers, went to bed. That's it--the day in a nutshell! Greg worked ALL weekend so we didn't even really see him at all. Now I am going to finish up the laundry, pack bags for tomorrow, clean the kitchen and lights out for me too.

Headed to the park. Just a short walk from Gramma and Grampa's house....
Climbing trees. 100% pure boy......
They 'staged' this and wanted me to take their picture :)
Throwing sticks into the river at Kathy's cabin. Nothing safer and more sanitary than playing the Mississippi floodwater :)
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Maddison in b/w

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