Thursday, May 22, 2008

painful to watch

I played softball for a lot of years. I played on a lot of good teams with great coaches. I never thought I could coach my own kid. After tonight I have changed my mind. I can not sit on the sidelines and watch this anymore. I feel sorry for the girls. They are getting slaughtered, and some girls have no concept of the game. Not even the basic fundamentals are there. Ugh. Thanks for listening. Glad I got that off my chest. Now, how do I step in without stepping on toes??? Hmmmm.....


Theresa said...

Kevin is struggling a bit with this himself. It is more about disorganization and wrong priorities in our case, but still hard to take. We have waited it out, and it is getting a little better, but I can relate to the struggle--stinks as the parent to sit through the same pitfalls again and again....

Andrea Schmidt said...

Good luck with that one! One more year of parents coaching for us (Kaleb's team anyway)... you'll figure something out...I have faith in you... because you are a great MOM! :-)