Friday, January 30, 2009

What on earth am I doing???

I have had several nights of very little sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a LONG day. Why the heck can't I put this thing away and call it a night???

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Nightcap

I worked late tonight trying to finish up something so it wasn't waiting for me in the morning. Came home fixed supper, got the kids to bed and now I am vegging on the couch watching HGTV thinking about possibly folding the two loads on laundry that are staring at me.

Our house listing had expired so we re-listed it yesterday. April 1st is our target date to have this place SOLD. After that, the house we are interested in will hit the market and probably be sold in short order. So, all we can do is pray that the right people show up and soon!

Glad tomorrow is Friday, but there is a lot on our plates for the weekend. Not so sure there will be any time for relaxing and regrouping before Monday.

Oh and my Wii Fit arrived yesterday. Can't wait to get it set up and get started!

Whew--it's done!

I had a presentation to do this morning. I worked hard on it yesterday until the wee hours this morning. All while I had a pounding headache that wasn't allowing me to think clearly. It had to be perfect. I had one chance to sell this thing. I had one opportunity to gain the approval of the higher-ups for this program. I had to have the right words and all the answers. I had to show them how important and beneficial this could be. That this would be money well spent and that our return would be far greater than what we put into it. It was just me. It was all on my shoulders to get the buy-in. I had a support system in place, but this was my presentation. And I did it. Tentatively, we will be moving forward soon. It's important to me. I hope my passion for this came through loud and clear.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More on Water

There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. (Denis Waitley)

If you lurk around in blogland at all, you have heard about Water. You have heard me talk about Water. You have seen the 300 voices banner. You know what it is about.

Maybe you have joined, maybe not. Maybe you think your voice won't make a difference, but it does. Maybe you think your contribution won't change anything, but it will.

“Never underestimate the ability of a small group of committed individuals to change the world; indeed they’re the only ones who ever have.” (Margaret Mead)

I don't have the eloquent words that others have. I don't feel that my voice reaches far or wide. But, what I do feel is a responsibility. A responsibility to be a part of the solution. A part of the cure. I can't stand by and watch and not do. I have been given much, I need to give much. And what seems so insignificant and minute to us, can be lifechanging for those in need. In reality, $20 means very little to most of us. A few coffees, a meal out, a little bit of gas. But $20 to one person could mean access to lifesaving water for years and years.

Not only that, but Water has changed me from the inside out. Don't be afraid...let it change you too. It will...promise. And it's good.....

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Warning: Read previous Bulls & Broncs post below before watching!!!

Below is a short video clip of the incident I described below. This is brutal--if this kind of thing makes you weak, don't watch. I realized that you can also see it on the JumboTron at the top of the screen. This is a 9 second clip--this went on for about three times that long. It was the longest 30 seconds ever--even more so for the cowboy, I'm sure.

Colby video taped almost every bull ride with her camera. She didn't think she had taped this particular 'ride', but when I uploaded pics tonight I found it. Obviously, she stopped recording midway through--probably because I made the kids turn their heads and stop watching. I don't know if it will show here in this little screen or not, but it was so scary. His limp body being thrown and trampled unrelentlessly. My stomach dropped and didn't recover the rest of the night. I was ready to leave after this......

Bulls and Broncs

We took the kids to the World's Toughest Bulls and Broncs rodeo at the Mark last night. I had been to this rodeo a couple of times before. But never before had I witnessed a scary incident such as happened last night. During the second bull ride, the cowboy was bucked off and as he was on the descent his spur got caught in the back strap on the bull. The man was dangling by his foot and flopping underneath the bull as it proceeded to go crazy. There was no way that anyone could get near to help this poor guy. The bull was spinning and bucking and kicking all the while this man was being beat on the ground and getting trampled by this 2000 lb. beast. He looked like a ragdoll. It was like something you would see on one of those shows like world's scariest sports moments. At one point after this had been going on for what seemed like forever parents were covering their kids' eyes and many were screaming. I thought for sure we had just witnessed this man being killed by a bull. I had to look away after I began to get sick to my stomach, but somehow he became detached and the rodeo clowns were able to get the bull back to the corral. The man was lying in the arena and the medical personnel quickly arrived. We were in the 9th row so this was happening not too far from where we were sitting. I saw them check for a pulse, check for breathing and then give two rescue breaths. I thought oh no, they are going to be starting CPR. But amazingly, I saw his hand move. He must have been stunned or something, but eventually the man sat up. I couldn't believe it.

Before the rodeo started Colby had said to me, "We should pray for the cowboys to be safe tonight." And we did. After this incident Colby said, "It's a good thing we prayed for them, isn't it?" Yes it was, because only God could have brought that man through the trauma he endured.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


the number of house showings we have had in the last 18 hours. much welcomed after a long, dry spell. still hoping that the right person comes through these doors soon.

Friday, January 23, 2009


You have heard me talk about water before. Some of you received a 'Water' gift for Christmas from our family. Wells were funded. Many villages will have water because of the generous, passionate people that worked so hard and donated to give life saving water to those who so desperately need it. It's not over. The need is still there. There are still those without. I waste more clean water in a day than many even have access to. There is a way to help, to make a difference, to DO instead of THINK or TALK about it. I joined, will you?

For more details about '300 Voices' from those who have worked tirelessly go here, here and here. Many thanks to those who work so hard to make it so easy for the rest of us to participate. Thank you.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Note to Self: Breathe

Just when I began to think things are slowing down, schedules are easing up a bit and time has been more plentiful, things start happening and everything gets thrown into a tizzy again. After making through the holidays and both kids birthdays I was ready for a little reprieve. But, no rest for the weary. Creighton started baseball and is practicing twice a week, Colby is playing basketball twice a week, piano lessons, work, school, hours on end on the phone taking care of my computer woes and now a house showing. The house has taken a back seat to some other things for awhile so it is not currently 'show ready'. Thus, I take this afternoon off, my mom takes care of the kids and this evening's driving responsibilities and Greg and I whip the house and garage into shape for a showing tomorrow.

Just like with all the rest, we are hoping and praying that this is it. These are our buyers. These people will become the new owners of a house and property we have labored over for 10, almost 11 years. Tomorrow 3:30pm....pray.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Finally, the kids can play outside without the fear of their fingers, nose and toes falling off. I could be out there taking some cute pics of them playing in the snow. But, today I am enjoying ONE hour of peace and quiet instead. Much needed :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Too good to be true....

After having such an easy time getting everything set up on my new computer, it crashed. Hard. Spent way too much time on the phone today with the geek squad. All to find out that they will probably just give me a new one. Ugh. I knew it was way too good to be true. Nothing is that easy for me. Now, more waiting, exchanging, another set-up, blah, blah, blah.

BUT, on a brighter note, Colby had her first basketball game today. They had only had one practice so based on that, they did terrific. By the end of the game they were starting to 'get it'. Colby made a couple of baskets and played some good D. I think after a little more practice they will do just fine.

I am off to play a little Wii with Creighton and call it a night! A typical weekend :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

a new toy

I got home find my new laptop that was delivered this morning. A quick setup of my new router, an even quicker setup of my new computer and I was on my way to blogging in no time. It is perfect. I love it. And I can't wait to get the other computer cleaned up of all of my stuff and let the kids have full use of it. I knew it wouldn't be long before it was necessary to have two computers in the house. Now we do! Yeah!

Made it!

So, based on my research (which consisted of looking out the window:) I decided that I could make it to work. They had plowed the gravel road by 8:30am and now all I had to was get out of our drifty driveway. After walking to the garage through drifts above my knees I was beginning to think that this probably wasn't the best idea.

There was quite a large drift behind the garage door--like 3 to 4 ft high. We loaded up, I told the kids to hang on, and I FLOORED my car to bust through it. It worked! Now, getting down the driveway was a little trickier. I had to go really fast to bust through the drifts. At the end of the drive I had to turn either right or left otherwise I end up in the neighbors field. This was a little scary considering the snow plow had been by and there was a BIG pile at the exit of the drive. So, I got going as fast as I could busted through some drifts and when I got to the end of the drive I cranked the wheel and prayed that I somehow ended up on the road. I did! Whoo hoo!

For those of you who are Wii Mario Cart fans--yes my driving was a little Mario like today! Now getting home will be my next challenge.....

Should I Go or Should I Stay???

Sitting here trying to figure out if I attempt to get the kids to daycare and go to work. Or do I consider myself snowed in today and not try it? I am trying to get a hold of someone that may have been out this early, but so far no answers. That might have something to do with the fact that I am calling at 6:30am :)

I finally got a hold of Greg and he said if I can get out of the drive and down the gravel road that I will have no problem on the highway. He made it with the FourWD. Last time I attempted to get out of the drive when I shouldn't have, I got stuck and broke my leg trying to push my car out. Hmmm....don't think I will do THAT again! Maybe I'll just sit tight until the plows show up:)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A couple favorites

We ended up hitting the hills a little too late for any good pics. It was dreary and starting to get dark. But, a few were salvageable....

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Spa Party

Colby loves all bath and body products. Including her recent addition of mud masks:
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sunday, sunday

So today was reserved for cleaning, purging the toyroom. Well, we made it through one corner of the room. (I think I'll attempt the other corners AFTER the kids go to bed!) Lots of organizing and purging. Feels good. But we are stopping for now to get out for a little sledding. I hate being cold. I don't have the proper winter gear to be outside for any extended period. But, it is all worth it because I LOVE taking photos of the kids in the snow. It's pretty gray and yucky out there so we'll see if I can get any that are worthy.

More later, I'm sure!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

What A Day~

Nothing too exciting, but what I thought would be a couple hours turned into a day long trip. I went to Best Buy to look at some laptops that I had been researching online. I wanted to see them, touch them, and just get a general feel for the ones I have been looking at. Ended up liking one, which wasn't the one I probably would have ordered had I not seen them. Of course, out of stock. So I went home and ordered it online. Not really a wasted trip, but I sure didn't want to spend quite that long in Davenport today.

Got home and fed the kiddos supper and now have some banana bread baking in the oven! Oh it smells soooo good. Not necessarily part of my new healthy eating habit that I am attempting to establish, but all things in moderation, right?! My mom has the BEST recipe for banana bread and I can't wait for a piece!

Laundry is going tonight and tomorrow has been reserved for cleaning out the toyroom. Hopefully, I can PURGE, PURGE, PURGE!!!

Pretty exciting stuff, I know.

Thursday, January 08, 2009


For me, the start of a new year always feels like a great time for change. For implementing things that have been thought about, but not yet acted upon. I am trying to implement a few self changes with some true action, not just thoughts or words or good intentions.

I am not a goal-setter. I don't think a lot about long-term or the future. Kind of a day-by-day girl. Who says we are guaranteed anything more than that anyway? I thank the Lord for THIS day and I will thank Him for tomorrow if He sees fit that I am here tomorrow. But, this year I have set a few personal goals. Short-term. Small changes. New guidelines for living.

First and foremost, becoming a healthier me. I will not ever go on a "diet" or exercise 'program' again. I have failed at both in the past. BUT, I am committing myself to a lifestyle change that includes much healthier eating habits and a greater committment to fitness. Lifestyle changes that can become a part of the routine, a part of who I am, a part of our family, a welcome part of any day.

Two, being steadfast with constant clarification between 'need' and 'want'. Justifying. Examining. Do I need this or want it???? Do away with many wants. Clear my head of these wants. Be happy where we are at and with what we have. Continue to see how blessed we are. I have a long way to go here.

Three, further inhibiting the collection of stuff. I am growing to dislike 'stuff'. My eyes have been opened to how detrimental 'stuff' can be.

Four, reaching out. Farther. Beyond all borders. Selflessly. Sacrificially. Being on the lookout for ways to give, ways to help. Not being afraid of 'uncomfortable'. Letting God use me in ways that I never have allowed before. Eyes wide open.

These are just a few of the things that I have thought about at this beginning of a new year. It's a lot. I have a long ways to go in many areas. It will be painful at times. But for now, I am making a committment. Hold me accountable...

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Suggestions wanted......

I need a new laptop. The options are a little overwhelming. Is there any one model/brand in particular out there that you are in LOVE with? Or not in love with? What are the features that you can't live without? It's time to pass my computer off on the kids and get one for myself-- with no kids allowed :)

Any help in narrowing it down would be appreciated!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Creighton Lost A Tooth!

As we were getting ready for bed the other night Creighton yelled for me--he had lost his first tooth. Then he proceeded to drop it and I spent the next hour with a flashlight on my hands and knees looking for it. The lost was found and the tooth fairy made her first appearance for Creighton!

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Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy Birthday Colby!

It was New Year's Day 1999. I was not quite 34 weeks pregnant with our first child. Greg was working until 11pm. I shopped all day with my mom stocking up for the BIG snow storm that was approaching. We were prepared to be snowed in with plenty of food, water and movies. I waited up for Greg to get home so we could watch a movie. Just as we sat down and started it I felt this little pop and a gush. I thought, 'oh crap, I just peed my pants!'. You know, one of those glorious very pregnant moments. I realized that my water had just broke. Snowed in or not, this baby was coming...way too early. The 18 inches of predicted snow was here and coming down full force. About 1am we took off for Iowa City. The roads were terrible and it took us about 1 1/2 hours to get 17 miles. I won't go into all of the scary details of the next 12 hours, but when it was all said and done we were presented with a tiny baby girl who was quickly whisked off to NICU. One week later we were both home. And now, ten years later she is a beautiful young lady who is growing up way too quickly for this mom and dad....

A 10 Year Old in the House....

January 2nd we celebrated 10 years since the birth of our first child, our daughter. What a celebration it was! It looks like Christmas with the tree in the back, but it really was her birthday . Lots of clothes for this one. It took me a whole day of shopping to buy them and today was a whole day of exchanging and more shopping so she could spend her birthday cash.
She opted for lunch and a movie with some friends for her party. We ate at Texas Roadhouse and then went to the movie 'Marley and Me'.
She got the standard Texas Roadhouse birthday wish--a seat on the 'horse' and a great big 'yeee haaawww'!!!
Just pretty, that's all.....
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Thursday, January 01, 2009

Welcome, 2009

So as we welcome 2009 I was planning to reflect a little on the past year. However, there is a little girl in this house who will be hitting the double digits tomorrow. Therefore, I must hit the mall today (by myself :) for a couple suprises for our eldest daughter, who though is turning 10, thinks she is 16. My mind is wandering back to the day she was born. What a story, what a gift, what a blessing. More later, I'm off to make this 10 year old girls 'short term' dreams come true :)