We took the kids to the World's Toughest Bulls and Broncs rodeo at the Mark last night. I had been to this rodeo a couple of times before. But never before had I witnessed a scary incident such as happened last night. During the second bull ride, the cowboy was bucked off and as he was on the descent his spur got caught in the back strap on the bull. The man was dangling by his foot and flopping underneath the bull as it proceeded to go crazy. There was no way that anyone could get near to help this poor guy. The bull was spinning and bucking and kicking all the while this man was being beat on the ground and getting trampled by this 2000 lb. beast. He looked like a ragdoll. It was like something you would see on one of those shows like world's scariest sports moments. At one point after this had been going on for what seemed like forever parents were covering their kids' eyes and many were screaming. I thought for sure we had just witnessed this man being killed by a bull. I had to look away after I began to get sick to my stomach, but somehow he became detached and the rodeo clowns were able to get the bull back to the corral. The man was lying in the arena and the medical personnel quickly arrived. We were in the 9th row so this was happening not too far from where we were sitting. I saw them check for a pulse, check for breathing and then give two rescue breaths. I thought oh no, they are going to be starting CPR. But amazingly, I saw his hand move. He must have been stunned or something, but eventually the man sat up. I couldn't believe it.
Before the rodeo started Colby had said to me, "We should pray for the cowboys to be safe tonight." And we did. After this incident Colby said, "It's a good thing we prayed for them, isn't it?" Yes it was, because only God could have brought that man through the trauma he endured.
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