Tuesday, May 29, 2007


You know it has been a stressful day when: you are so sick to your stomach at dinner that you can't eat, but after the kids go to bed and some relaxing yoga moves, you eat cheetos, a cupcake and diet Mt. Dew for dinner.....ugh....

Monday, May 28, 2007


This is Colby demonstrating how to Tango with a broom. First she tried it with me and decided that the broom was a better partner. I don't blame her :)

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Maddison and Colby

Squished in the saddle together....I don't think either one of them were very comfortable, but they enjoyed riding together nonetheless.
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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Just a minute....

Obviously, I tell my son "just a minute" to much for his liking. Tonight he was pleading, "mom, will you come play baseball with me and no more 'just a minutes' ". A lot of times when the kids ask me to do something I do respond with 'just a minute' and then I keep doing what I was doing until they call again. Something I need to work on. What could I possibly be doing that is more important than playing baseball with my son? So from now on I am going to stop and think before I respond 'just a minute' when I have children that are desparately begging for my time and attention.

The kids

Had family out for dinner tonight. Maddison got to ride the horse, as did Colby, Creighton, and Gramma Pam--sorry I didn't get any pictures of THAT :) Despite Blaze's accident he was ready to go tonight. A couple pics of the kids.....

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Poor Guy!

This was a pretty pathetic scene this morning. Blaze is standing out in the rain and mud, he is soaking wet. There is blood running down his leg and his pretty white sock is stained red. I feel sorry for him. Ouch...

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Always something....

The long weekend just HAD to start out with a little drama. Greg had the horse tied to the trailer. Something made him decide he was gonna take off running. He ripped the gate off and ran across the yard dragging the gate from his neck. Yep, it put one great big gash about 6 inches long on him and several smaller cuts. Had to make an emergency call to the vet, he came out to the house, had to sedate the horse and sew him back up. He wasn't sure if the stitches would hold or not due to the location of the cut. Now it's swelling and oozing and bleeding. Hopefully we can prevent infection. It was bad, it was disgusting and I feel sorry for Blaze. He is moping around and not up to par. I am sure it hurts. And I am sure that this will not be cheap....ugh.


It's been a difficult two weeks. Busyness and Decisions.....A lot going on in a lot of different aspects of our lives. I won't bore you with the details, but we've got a lot on our minds and our hearts. Hoping for some pieces of a puzzle to come together. I know...vague, but that is where we're at right now. Sometimes I feel like I am just trying to keep my head above water. This has been one of those weeks. Slowing down for just a moment could cause me to drown. We are hoping and dreaming about a lot of things right now. Hopefullly, our plans, hopes and dreams coincide with God's plan. We shall see.

Kids are fine, we are fine. Just not much free time on our hands. At work or at home. Thankful for the three day weekend and no obligations at all. Greg will be working 16 hour days so the kids and I will find something to do. Something may just be NOTHING! Waiting patiently for the lazy, hazy days of summer. Is there such a thing???

Monday, May 21, 2007

No camera again :(

Tonight was Colby's third softball game of the season. And tonight was the third game that I have forgotten my camera. So it's packed and ready to go for tomorrow's game.

Colby is doing very well this season. She is 7 for 9 at the plate and her fielding is much better this year. That is when she isn't twirling or throwing dirt into the air to see how far the dust flies :)

This sure has been a break through year for Colby in many ways...academically, socially, athletically. It is true that it is sad to see them grow so fast, but each stage just seems to get better and better. Fun stuff....

Sunday, May 20, 2007

more pictures...

This is the first time I have been able to get online in about 4 days. So the result is lots of pictures....it was very pretty at the river on Saturday.
Ooops....she needed a ponytail :)

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More pics...

I love it when Creighton 'ponders'. I have a lot of shots of him with this expression. I love it...

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Serious stuff

Creighton maintained a very seriuos face while watching the boats. His didn't want to miss a thing....



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Boat Show

The kids were in awe of the big crane hoisting up the boats and lifting them ever so gently into the water. The boats were loud and fast--perfect combo for my kids enjoyment :)
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Went to the boat show on Saturday. The kids like to see their brick every time we go to the riverfront....

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Fancy Footwork

Saturday was Colby's last soccer game this season. (Colby's in red with white headband)

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

I feel pretty...oh so pretty :)

Colby decided that she was going to put on her swim suit top, a skirt and sunglasses today. Then she asked for a "high pony tail" and wanted her picture taken. So that's just what we did.

It was a beatiful Mother's Day. Church, lunch with my mom and the afternoon at home playing soccer and horseback riding. That's it--and it was perfect.
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Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Redbirds warming up....

Just a few pre-game shots.....

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Too Tired....

Creighton was so exhausted that he fell asleep while he was eating dinner on the couch. It was 9:00pm before we finally came in to eat. We take advantage of every minute of daylight. A couple of bites and he was DONE! Sleep tight buddy!

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Taken Back

This past Monday I took the day off and Greg and I went to Kalona to the sale barn. We were looking for tack and thought it would be fun to go to the Kalona sale. Upon pulling up to the barn I was immediately taken back to days gone by. For just a moment I stopped to dream. Dream about the days that my grampa would take me to the sale barn. The smell, the sights, the sounds...it was still all the same. I could have closed my eyes and felt 5 years old again as visions of grampa danced in my head. The stools where would eat our lunch served by Amish women were still in place. Amish men gathered to eat their meal always followed up with a delicious piece of pie. Farmers from all over joined in conversation as they discussed the markets. I was still in awe of the Amish society and their way of life, just as I was in awe of them way back then. I haven't been there in at least 25 years, but it was all so vivid and oddly the same. It seemed like I was just jumping back in time. Oh how grampa would have loved to be there with us....buying saddles, bridles and all the stuff we need for our horses. I can just hear the stories he would have told--how he used to drive his horses to school when he was just six years old and how their horse got spooked and his baby sister was thrown from the buggy on their way to church one Sunday morning. Stories I have heard a million times, but that I would give everything I have to hear again. Oh how he would have loved to see his great-granddaughter riding and taking care of her horse. We miss him so.

A common scene in Kalona....Only there do you find horse poop littering the streets :)
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