Friday, May 25, 2007


It's been a difficult two weeks. Busyness and Decisions.....A lot going on in a lot of different aspects of our lives. I won't bore you with the details, but we've got a lot on our minds and our hearts. Hoping for some pieces of a puzzle to come together. I know...vague, but that is where we're at right now. Sometimes I feel like I am just trying to keep my head above water. This has been one of those weeks. Slowing down for just a moment could cause me to drown. We are hoping and dreaming about a lot of things right now. Hopefullly, our plans, hopes and dreams coincide with God's plan. We shall see.

Kids are fine, we are fine. Just not much free time on our hands. At work or at home. Thankful for the three day weekend and no obligations at all. Greg will be working 16 hour days so the kids and I will find something to do. Something may just be NOTHING! Waiting patiently for the lazy, hazy days of summer. Is there such a thing???

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