Wednesday, March 29, 2006


OK - I debated actually admitting this publicly. But what the heck, it's my blog and this is what is happening in my life.

Today, all things considered, has been what I would call fairly smooth. Until now - I just discovered that my bra has broken. Not something I keep extras of here at work. Keep in mind, I work in an office of men only. Picture this - having to go into your MALE boss's office and ask to go home so that you can change your bra which has malfunctioned! No, I didn't do that and he is not here today anyway. But, I was a little up in arms about how to fix this--tape?, a twisted paperclip?, staples?. So I rummaged through my desk and found a safety pin, whew! Problem solved for now and no embarrassing admittance was necessary. A little uncomfortable, but nothing I can't handle for 6 more hours!

(And Cassie, it is ok, I will go buy a new one. I promise! It is probably time to throw a few out anyway. But, please don't show up on my doorstep with a new bra ;-)


jody said...

you're like the female version of McGiver. Nice job.

Heather said...

thanks - it was a desparate situation! :)

Anonymous said...

What no pictures???? djc

Heather said...

this a rated G site!

Cassie said...

i may not show up at your door, but if my mom followes my blog to yours, she may show up with one for you. if you see a short woman with short dark hair, her name is candi!