As far as Greg and I are concerned there is absolutely no reason that any young child or toddler needs to drink pop. I guess we just prefer them to always drink something with at least some nutritional value. They have enough other deficits in their diets, they don't need to add that to it.
However, I am a self-confessed Diet Pepsi addict. I guess I should say that I am a caffeine addict who doesn't like coffee. So, diet pepsi is my caffeinated beverage of choice.
Wow, turned into a long preface before the real story here. Anyway - yesterday I had gotten a fountain pop with lots of ice, drank the pop and it sat on the counter at home until all of the ice melted. Creighton spied the cup (of now melted ice) and began to drink. He said that it was good and he would like to share it with me. He really thought he was having a pop and was trying to act very grown up. So he said, "sit down then you will take a drink and then I will take a drink". So we sat at the table and traded the cup back and forth drinking our melted ice water. Every time it was my turn he said "ok, now you take a drink mom". It was quite a precise process.
We continued this pattern until all the ice water was gone. When he finished it off, he gave me a grin and an "ahhh". He was so refreshed after sharing a nice drink and conversation with his mom. Even though it was just melted ice....
(ok - this story did not come out the way I wanted. I guess it was just one that you had to be there for. oh well, it's enough information to jog my memory about this cute moment with my baby boy :-)
that happens a lot to me on my blog. but ya know what, i thought this was a very cute story and these moments are SO precious! thanks for sharing. i could envision it and it was very sweet. maybe because i have a 4 year old boy of my own!
It was very cute. Glad you picked up on it because I sure didn't write it very well. Just one of those things that made me smile :)
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