Wednesday, March 08, 2006


The kids often like to race around in a circle chasing eachother on their four-wheelers. And they are NEVER watching where they are going. They are always looking behind themselves either finding the other one or looking to see what they had just ran over! I can't believe that we have only had a few minor crashes!

Notice that Creighton is looking at Colby and Colby is looking behind her. I am not sure which one of them had just ran into the basketball hoop and knocked it over. I find that when I am out there with them I say over and over, "watch where you are going!" They just laugh at me and keep on. Crazy little kids.

Creighton and Colby have both outgrown their four-wheelers this year. So shopping we go for new ones. It should be a fun summer around here. If it ever arrives. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

jody said...

It is a kid fun land over there!! They will have so many wonderful memories.