Monday, January 30, 2006

Too Much or Not Enough Time?....

As I sat here at my computer tonight I thought....There never seems to be enough time in a day to get the NECESSARY things in life done. Yet, somehow I seem to find the time to sit here and write this senseless entry. You may think, that if I have time to create these ramblings I must have TOO much time on my hands. Although, when I think about the load of laundry that needs done tonight, the dishwasher that needs loaded, bags that need packed, clothes laid out for tomorrow, etc, etc, etc I immediately tell myself - there is just not enough time in a day to get it all done. Therefore, I have concluded that time is just what you make it. You can have too much or not enough. It's all how you look at it.....


jody said...

did you get the picasa thing figured out?

Heather said...

What is that?