Sunday, April 09, 2006


About two summers ago we took Colby's training wheels off of her bike. I tried to teach her to ride, and after she fell down a couple of times she decided that bike riding wasn't so fun. So every once in awhile I would talk her into trying again. Same results, a couple of falls and she was done.

Today I went to town and when I got back, she said "watch this mom." She hopped on her bike took off and looked like she had been doing it forever. I was so proud of her and she was so proud of herself.

I asked Greg how he taught her and he said that he had nothing to do with it. She just got on it and took off. I guess that says a lot for my teaching skills. She probably would have been better off all along without me coaching her!

WAY TO GO COLBY!!! Love you kiddo! Posted by Picasa


jody said...

what were you doing in town? :-) Good job, Colby. Kids do things when they are ready, not when their parents want them to be.

Cassie said...

YEAH for Colby!! I look forward to the day that our whole family can go out bike riding!

Heather said...

We are all packed up for a bike ride on the trail tonight at 5:15pm. I have been waiting for this day too!

Heather said...

REALLY funny Jody--You know what I was doing and I got a bit of grief at home for it!! But, I knew I would, oh well! :)