Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Twas the Night Before School

Tonight was back to school night so we got all of the supplies to school safely and loaded into Colby's desk, found her new locker and chatted with her teacher. Colby has the same teacher for second grade as she did for first grade and I am HAPPY about that! So is she.

Then we headed to Happy Joes for a little end of the summer fun and to celebrate the beginning of the new school year. I am anxious to get back into our routine (if you can call it a "routine"!). Our schedule is packed full every night this week already. Can't imagine what it will be like when they are both in school and doing sports activities, etc. I think I'll have to hire a driver to help me get them where they need to be!

We got home, got showers done and the kids are tucked snug in their beds sound asleep. Colby had fun picking out her "first day" outfit and insisted that she paint her nails. She is such an awesome mix of "girly girl" and "four wheel riding, horse loving, work with dad" kind of girl. I love it.

Seems like just yesterday I was begging for summer to never end. Funny how our bodies and minds just change gear when the start of a new season is approaching. So ready to dump the pool, pull all the flowers, put out the pumpkins and bring on the sweatshirts and jeans. Fall is here....

May everyone have a fun and safe first day of school!!


Cassie said...

i can't believe i'm saying it either...but bring on the sweatshirts and jeans!

Eric and Pam said...

Amen! I love fall! :)