Friday, September 15, 2006

Nobody's Perfect

Colby had some hard spelling words this week. We worked on them every night. Her test was today so last night we stayed up 20 minutes late to be sure that she had them down. This morning on the way to the bus I made her spell them again. Just a little review before her test today. She got mad because she was sick of spelling these words to me. I told her we had to keep working on them until she had all of them down pat and could spell them all without hesitation. She replied, "I don't have to know them all, mom. It doesn't matter if I miss some because nobody's perfect". She is right. I didn't have a lot to say after that. I guess in the grand scheme of things, missing a couple of spelling words in second grade probably isn't going to lead to complete disaster. Thanks for the lesson Colby. As much as Colby has learned from us, she has taught us more about life than I ever imagined... Posted by Picasa

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