Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Mackenzie #1

I took off work early yesterday to go see my niece Mackenzie play basketball. (She is #1 in the gold uniform). I was pretty impressed with her skills. She is fast, aggressive and fearless on the court. It was a lot of fun to watch. Would have been more fun had my kids not been driving me crazy the whole game :)

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You just never know.....

I was in the house fixing supper. The kids were in the garage playing basketball (so I thought). Colby decided that they would paint their faces instead........ (Creighton had started scrubbing his off before I got the camera, but she had him all painted up too) So this is the way they looked upon arrival at the dinner table.....
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy Birthday, Creighton Tyler!

This baby boy was the answer to a million prayers. After years of feeling hopeless, suffering loss and feeling defeated, God blessed us with a healthy pregnancy, and a precious baby boy. A true miracle. As I reflect on the last four years with him, what seems to stand out most is how easy he has been. It was an easy pregnancy, an easy delivery, he was an easy baby and still is always willing to cooperate with most anything we throw at him. He is special, he is precious and I am honored to be his mommy.

Below is a peek at the many faces of Creighton over the last 4 years. Mommy, Daddy and Sissy love you so much baby boy!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Creighton's 4th Birthday Party

Tonight we celebrated Creighton's 4th birthday party at Happy Joes with family. He always loves going to Happy Joes, loves the games, loves pizza and tonight he loved his "Cars" cake too. Hard to believe he will be 4 on Tuesday. Seems like he was just born.

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Creighton's Party Guests

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Pictures just didn't do it justice....

We finally got our second tree complete and as I look at the pictures none of them show the true beauty. It is very pretty and elegant and sparkly and shiny. Lots of white lights, silver balls, snowflakes, red berries and blue/silver ribbon. So different from anything I have ever known. I am usually of the old and rustic style, but this one beats them all. I guess if you are really interested you'll just have to come see it for yourself because the pictures just didn't do it any justice :) Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 24, 2006

Tree #2 = DONE!

The kids and I stayed home all day today. We didn't do much, but we did get the second Christmas tree up. I still have to do the mantle and the staircase. And I guess I should finish getting the Thanksgiving decorations down before I go too much further with the Christmas decorating :)

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Colby did all the work....

I hate trying to determine where to put ornaments on the tree. I try too hard to get them evenly spaced and perfectly balanced. So, I just left the room and let Colby take over. She just puts them up with no inhibition and they usually look pretty good. I only had to move a couple around and my work was done :)

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Thursday, November 23, 2006


A lot of food, a lot of kids, a lot of noise, a lot of teasing, a lot of laughter and a lot of fun. It was a great day. It is always fun to get together. And we nixed the turkey and grilled steaks instead. It was a perfect day for it.

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I love her to pieces. She is a pistol, but oh so squeezable :)

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Nieces and Nephews

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