Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy Birthday, Creighton Tyler!

This baby boy was the answer to a million prayers. After years of feeling hopeless, suffering loss and feeling defeated, God blessed us with a healthy pregnancy, and a precious baby boy. A true miracle. As I reflect on the last four years with him, what seems to stand out most is how easy he has been. It was an easy pregnancy, an easy delivery, he was an easy baby and still is always willing to cooperate with most anything we throw at him. He is special, he is precious and I am honored to be his mommy.

Below is a peek at the many faces of Creighton over the last 4 years. Mommy, Daddy and Sissy love you so much baby boy!


Anonymous said...

Very nice Heather. If I'm reborn in another life, I hope your my mom.

Heather said...

Ok - I've always thought I needed a few more kids anyway :)

Beckysblog said...

He is precious.

Cassie said...

what a doll!! loved every single photo....