Sunday, November 12, 2006

A New Tree

No I haven't put up my Christmas tree. But, I did buy a new one today. OK - I am a Grinch and will not allow a real tree to be brought into my house. I have this re-occuring dream that I will come home and find my house burned down. And I think in the dream it was caused by a dry Christmas tree. :) Anyway, this tree is beautiful. It is 9 ft. tall and very full and pretty. It was an expensive tree and a few years ago I just HAD to have it. Well, today I just HAD to have another one :)

So, this tree may be looking for a new home for the holidays! And I say MAY because I have to put up my new one to make sure I like it better than this one before I can let it go!

(I know the tacky mechanical Santa and Mrs. Claus gotta go, but my kids like them...what's a girl to do??? Yes, I would love to have a beautifully decorated tree with a theme and matching ornaments, etc. but my kids just love all the crappy looking ornaments we have collected over the years :) Posted by Picasa


Beckysblog said...

I think you need two trees. One for the kids and one with a theme!

Cassie said...

becky would know. she had a tree in her children's rooms! but they are themed, i think.

Beckysblog said...

I will admit that the tree in the girls' room is probably the most/only truly creative thing I have ever done!