Friday, November 10, 2006

No shopping today

Veteran's Day is usually the day I start my Christmas shopping. There is still school and daycare so I take my day off and try to do something useful with it. Today, that was not the case. I wasn't in the mood to Christmas shop. Colby had a program at 2:30pm at school and I had an appointment to get my eye-brows ripped out at 3:30pm. So in the meantime I had a few hours to myself, but not really enough time to go gung-ho on anything.

I did manage to watch last night's episode of Grey's, and clean out my two closets. In one of these closets was boxes of clothes that I had brought out when we moved. They had never been unpacked. I also sorted my closet that included all the clothes I wore pre-baby all the way up to clothes I wear now (and everything in-between). That pretty much covers the full range of clothing sizes.

This is what the list of Goodwill stuff included: 19 long sleeve shirts, 21 pair of pants, 9 skirts, 10 sweaters, 6 sweatshirts, 11 pair of shoes, 7 purses, 1 coat with two pair of mittens and a partridge in a pear felt so good to pack it up--there was some UGLY stuff in there!

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