Friday, March 02, 2007

True Friends....

When something bad or out of the ordinary happens you find out who your true friends are. You find out those who care about you and your family. You find out who it is that you can call on for help. You learn what community is and who your 'community' is.

It has been a long week. I am thankful for those who have helped us out this week, for those who have expressed their concern, those who have offered up their homes and their services to us and for those who took the time to ask "how are you doing", "is there anything we can do", or even those who simply said "that sucks".

Granted, we had it much easier than those who had to stay in hotels or warming houses and eat fast food for every meal, the burden of being displaced from your home for a week is not easy. Life had to go on, the busyness of our schedules, activities and jobs did not stop because we were without power. My mind was consumed and elsewhere most of the time though I couldn't let any of the balls drop during this juggling act.

Thankful for my family and friends today who with their encouraging words and kind acts and their giving spirits made it possible to trudge through the week.

Many thanks and love to all.....


Cassie said...

so happy for you!
sorry we didn't get a walk in! maybe in a couple weeks!?! ok...i won't be hoping for your power to go out EVER again!! welcome home!

Andrea Schmidt said...

I'm so glad that you finally got to go home! Thank God for family! See you at small group. Blessings to you all...