Monday, May 07, 2007

NO time for homework

Colby is in an accelerated reader's program at school. They go to a special class with a different teacher on Friday's kind of like a little book club where they read and discuss books. They have been getting assignments to complete throughout the week and return the following Friday.

Apparently Colby told her teacher that she didn't have time to do any homework because she had to practice softball and soccer at night. Mrs. C. told Greg at the Swing game last week that if Colby didn't have time to do her homework at night because she had too much ball practice that she would be glad to make time for her to do it at school. Ughh. Embarrassing. Yes, we have a lot going on, but yes, we make time for Colby to do homework too. Greg politely told her that Colby does have practices but that there is plenty of time for homework too. We will manage.

Sometimes I feel like our lives just shout out "we are crazy busy and don't have time for anything"!!! Now even the school is on to us :) Patiently waiting for summer and some slow down time. But nonetheless, we have time for homework :)

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