Thursday, July 26, 2007

A few days behind....

Colby petting the draft horses before we headed out for a ride in their wagon. What a team they were--Jill and Gene.
My kids took the opportunity to practice their gymnastics while waiting for the puppet show to start :)
Some nice ladies were painting faces for $1.00 and they actually were pretty good. Creighton got a puppy on his arm, but his picture wasn't the best. oops.
This is my co-worker Destiny racing barrells at the horse show. I am truly amazed that these girls can stay on these horses.

I am a few days behind on blogging, but here are a few pics from the Musc. Co. Fair. After all of the wedding activity of the weekend, we spent Sunday afternoon and evening at the fair. We were all tired and wore out, but had promised the kids we would take them to the horse show. So we did. We were able to avoid the carnival rides because of our upcoming Adventureland Trip so that was GOOD! We enjoyed seeing the 4-H projects, the good food, riding in the horse drawn wagon and watching the horse show. Of course, we had to see the puppet show (twice) too.

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