Friday, August 03, 2007


My vacation week is coming to a close, but we still have plenty of activities planned for today and the weekend. It was a fun week. We spent a lot of time swimming and not a lot else. Yesterday I think we were all feeling a little waterlogged and decided to do some shopping instead of going to the pool. This morning is the kids last swim lesson at the aquatic center and then we are headed to Burlington for the afternoon to go to Fun City for another full day of swimming and waterslides. Tommorow's agenda includes a back-to-school shopping trip to Davenport while my car gets an oil change and service in Bettendorf. The kids are staying home with Greg :) I am ready for a few hours to myself :) Saturday night we have our 'neighborhood' potluck and not sure what Sunday holds for us yet. So a busy couple of days and then it is back to the old grind. I am ready to get back into our routine again. We are all getting way too used to sleeping in till 9am! Big shock Monday when we start getting up at 6am again.

Creighton at the riverfront......
Colby chatting with her swim instructor about who knows what.......
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Andrea Schmidt said...

It looks like you've all had a great week together! Remember when Adventureland seemed so BIG, and it was definitely the place to find cute guys (remember our trip with my old brown Ford Fairmont car in High School? We were so COOL!) Now I think Adventureland only hires people who are around retirement age. Anyway, it looks like you've had a really good time and have been a very "good Mommy!"

Heather said...

Yes, I remember our trip very well. Didn't we hang out in the Adv. parking lot with a bunch of other teenagers til after midnight and get home around 3am???? I still have pictures from that day! I think about that every time we go there. And yes, our kids think Adventureland is great so we are going to keep going with that until they figure out that bigger parks await!!! It's been a fun but tiring week. Whew....