Sunday, October 07, 2007

Top Ten Things I Loved About This Weekend...

1. We got to eat breakfast together--all of us. (This is a rarity)
2. The pool is winterized, pool toys packed away.
3. The yard is mowed and looks beautiful.
4. The poop got scooped out of the horse barn--it was a little too full for my liking :)
5. Progress was made in the new bathroom we are installing.
6. The kids were wonderful all weekend. I did very little refereeing.
7. All of the sheets and quilts were washed and LINE-DRIED--whoo hoo! (I love line dried bedding)
8. We attended our monthly 'neighborhood' potluck and it was wonderful to re-connect with some folks I hadn't seen in awhile.
9. It was hot out. We will be wishing these days back about a month from now.
10. We had a great time at the football game on Friday night.
and one more just for the heck of it....
11. The annual flowers are pulled and the pumpkins were purchased and put in their place. Bring on FALL!

Of course, those top 11 things don't even come close to spending time together as a family and just hanging out--no obligations, no where to have to go. I need more weekends like this!

This picture has nothing to do with anything. (A goat from the corn maze place).

I told Greg we need goats--I may just come home with one (or three)when I go to the sale barn in November :)
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