Sunday, December 23, 2007


After much preparation we are finally ready for the festivities of the next few days. Everything is bought wrapped and ready for delivery. House is cleaned and groceries bought for Christmas lunch. Laundry is going and we don't have to leave the house today which means I SHOULD be able to get it all done AND put away. Everyone is healthy (today). We'll pray that it stays that way! The ever-faithful friend that plows the lane has been here and gone so that is always re-assuring. Just knowing I couldn't get out if I had to is stressful. So we are good to go if necessary (hopefully NOT!). Creighton asked if he had to get dressed today or if he could stay in his PJ's. I love that I could tell him that he can stay in his PJ's ALL day! Colby however, headed out the door as soon as she saw snow. I watch her from the window :) I love that every time I have been asked to get milk, get a snack, play a game or help with a puzzle today I have been able to say 'ok' and not 'wait a minute' or 'after I am done cleaning', etc.

As the cold wind blows outside today I am thankful for my hot cup of tea, warm house and the most warming love of my kiddos. How blessed I am.....

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