Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Cautiously Optimistic

Things are looking a little better with Creighton this afternoon. He ASKED for something to eat. Drank a couple of cups of water on his own. Got up and did a puzzle in the toyroom. Got on the computer to do Webkinz for a little bit and now is aiming a paper airplane at the back of his sister's head. Things are slowly getting back to normal it seems. He still has only peed once in 24 hours. So he is still dehydrated and his body is hanging on to every little sip he takes. Fever has stayed down this afternoon with just tylenol. We were having to use both tylenol and motrin and still had temps of about 102 with both of those. I think all of the antibiotics must really be kicking in now. He will beg to differ with me, but I was so glad they gave him antibiotic injections to get him started. We'll see how the rest of the day and night go, but looks pretty good so far!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

whew! sounds like good news!