Thursday, February 07, 2008

I hesitate to say it, but he's getting 'better'!

Creighton made it through the night without a problem (other than having to blow the nasty green junk out of his nose around 50 times). He hasn't had a temp since about 8pm last night. His coughing isn't too bad today. He ate some toast, took his medicine and is laying on the couch blowing his nose (pretty much continually). I am assuming his stomach was upset last night from his medication and no food, but he didn't puke like he thought he was going to. I think he will get some energy back when his sinus's clear up and he starts eating/drinking a little more.

Every day throughout Creighton's sickness, I (stupidly) would ask him how he was feeling. And every time he says "fine". It takes quite a bit for this little man to complain. After this long bout he has probably forgotten what it is like to actually feel "fine". Hopefully, he is back to normal this weekend.

This has been a long 7 days--much longer for him than me, I am sure.

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