Friday, June 13, 2008


This is some pics of what it looks like around here. This first picture is at my neighbor's house where I took pictures of the llamas and the horse with her foal last week. Today it is under water.
This second picture is looking towards highway 22. The highway follows the tree line in the distance. The highway is under water for as far as I can see.
This is standing in my neighbor's driveway looking at highway 22 towards Muscatine. most of 22 is under water from just below our house to the cedar river bridge (that's about 4 miles I think?)
This is standing in Gene's driveway looking toward muscatine. it looks as if i live on a beautiful lakefront. i don't.

Our friends just down the road have lost their homes and much of the contents. They were able to get some stuff out and some of their animals out, but much is gone. And they watched several of their animals get swept away in the current and drown(including about 17 or so buffalo and one emu). We are safe. We are high and dry. There is no way that we could ever get water as we live atop the hill. But, it is sort of surreal and eerie feeling. We can't get out and no one can get in. I feel like we are living on a deserted island and have no contact with the rest of the world. We stocked up on groceries and are here for the duration. Greg is in Michigan. When he arrives back home Monday evening he will have no way to get here. There is not one road open to get out this way. It is quiet. There is no traffic. There is a sheriff patrolling the road. It's just weird. I have heard that it will be Thursday before 22 will open again. But with the crazy weather here and up north who knows.
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1 comment:

Keith and Brittny Kura : ) said...

Wow. It's just crazy to look at all the pictures. I was supposed to come home for fathers day and there was no way to get there. Happy to hear you are high and dry.