in my stomach that won't go away. Last Friday Colby called me at work after school upset because one of her classmate's father had died. The counselor had came in and talked to them about it. It was a tragic on-the-job accident. Colby and her big heart immediately wanted to do something for them. The student has came back to school and Colby is keeping a close eye on him and reporting to me daily how he is doing.
I just can't get it off my mind. I don't know the details of why, but at an early age this boy and his siblings were thrown into the foster care system. Birth parents--gone. They were adopted by a loving family and given a new start in life. A mommy and daddy and plenty of love to go around. And then this, a second time, their daddy stripped away from them all too soon. Went to work, never to return. Gone.
I want to fix it. I want to DO something to make it better. I can't. No one can. But, what I can do is pray. Pray they know that their Father in heaven will never leave them. Pray they know that God is good. All the time. Even now when their hearts are broken. He is good. He is there. May they feel safe in His arms. Hold them tight Lord....hold them tight.
As we celebrate all that we are thankful for tomorrow, as we gather with family and friends, take a moment to pray. Pray for those that are grieving, those that are missing a loved one, those whose table is missing someone for the first time, those that are experiencing their first holiday without their daddy or their spouse. As we count our blessings this Thanksgiving remember too, those whose day will be difficult, painful, tearful.
Wish I could do more....
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