Monday, November 24, 2008

One Down

with Strep. Fever and exceptionally sore throat. Got him into the dr. right away this morning and with a double shot of antibiotics today he should be good to go for tomorrow. And the bonus was that she gave me a round of antibiotics for my sinus infection. I have been putting off going in for about two weeks. That was two birds with one stone for sure.

And, thanks to my dad for keeping Creighton today as I really had to be at work. Seems that someone is always sick when I really need to be at work or on a holiday. Hopefully, we are all cleared up and ready to celebrate Thanksgiving and Creighton's birthday on Thursday.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

sorry heather.
that really stinks.
but sounds like you were on top of things!!

have i mentioned that i love your new blog header? what a great photo of your little ones!