Tuesday, November 11, 2008


was supposed to be a shopping day in Iowa City. I am off work and the kids are in school. I always try to get something productive done on those days. They are few and far between. My friend had to back out of our plans as she has had a sick child and needed to get some work done after some missed days. So that left me with a completely all mine 'me day'. What did I do? Cleaned out the kids' drawers, closets and toyroom. These are areas that I get nothing done in while they are here. I get the neverending, "don't get rid of that--it's my FAVORITE!" No matter what it is, how long it has been untouched or unworn, it suddenly becomes their "favorite". So I will walk on eggshells over the next few days wondering when one of them will begin frantically searching for a particular toy or article of clothing that seems to have mysteriously disappeared. ;)

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