Friday, March 06, 2009

Alone Time--A Good Thing???

I dream about having a few hours to myself. Now I got the whole night to myself and it's not too great. Not sure this alone time thing is all it's cracked up to be. Now, if I was on a beach soaking up the sun and some beverages, that would be a different story. But, sitting here at home, alone, not so much. I have watched what I want on tv, cooked a pizza with mushrooms that would make everyone else GAG, talked on the phone with NO interruptions, cleaned the kitchen with no one walking on the damp floor, enjoyed my computer time in silence, and now I am ready for everyone to come back home :)

Creighton is staying all night with a friend, Colby is at a birthday party and then going home with a friend afterwards, Greg is working overtime. Tomorrow all will be back to normal and through the loudness and chaos and bickering I will remember how much I miss them when they're not here....

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