Sunday, July 19, 2009


The days are flying by as we are prepping to move. Most of the house is packed. I still have the kitchen left, but I will do that later this week when I am off work. Never know, I might decide to cook one of these days and will need my dishes. Nah, who am I kidding, I may as well just pack it up :)

Today I caught up on laundry and Scentsy work, went to town for a few groceries and some stuff at Menards. When we got home, we got to work on one of Greg's buildings. Got it sorted and loaded. After weeding out the junk and the 'no need for' stuff, there was only about one trailer load left. You don't even know how happy that makes me. The amount of junk that has accumulated in those buildings over the last ten years is ridiculous. Hopefully, we can avoid that at the new place. Downsize, organize, simplify. That's my motto and I'm sticking to it.

Creighton was begging his dad to hit fly balls this afternoon so we took a break and played a little baseball followed by a game of kickball. Colby likes to play kickball since it's the best she can do with her arm.

Casey's pizza, showers and off to bed for the kids. I just finished reading the Sunday paper and really need to be going to bed. I have a feeling sleep won't come easy tonight or for the next 10 days or so. Can't wait for the day we are settled and in our new routine. Looking forward to being 'in town'.

I have a bunch of pictures to load, but can't find my camera at the moment :) It's around here somewhere. Until then some sporadic posts will have to suffice.

BTW - we are having a 'tearing out the carpet' party on Sunday the 26th at our new place. We'll have one night to get it all tore out and ready for the carpet installers on the 27th. Join us, it'll be fun!!! :)

1 comment:

Linda said...

I found your blog through Cassie's blog. Hope you don't mind!

Your place is beautiful! Where (and why) are you moving?

We're trying to sell our home, too, and it's a "This Old House" type of home as well. Plus, it's HUGE, which is a big turn-off for some people apparently. We're moving just outside of town...that is, if our house sells! :)

Congratulations on your sale, and good luck in the next few weeks!