Saturday, July 24, 2010

Our new 'ride'

Well, when I mentioned that we are former river rats who have 'boat fever' again, I wasn't kidding. Therefore, we now own this......
Greg coming in to pick us up at the dock and the kids waiting for their first ride in the new boat!

our super cool 'tube'. this provided alot of entertainment today--for the little kids and the big kids :)

Took it out for the first time today and had a good time. The weather was ok, not perfect, water is starting to come up, but tubing was fabulous. The kids had a blast. The only problem....this boat is a BEAR to trailer. Ugh. It's gonna take some practice getting this big dog on the trailer on the first shot.
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1 comment:

Cassie said...

awesome. i'm totally jealous.