Sunday, October 10, 2010

Time Out

Friday night we took the kids to a hayrack ride out near where we used to live. It was fun, but a late night. Colby then spent Saturday in Davenport with a friend getting facials and manicures. Creighton had soccer and baseball and I worked outside all day. By Sunday we were all tired, wore out and the attitudes were less than admirable. Adults included. So we took a little family time out this afternoon, put all work aside and went fishing. It was so much fun! I've never had that much fun fishing! Creighton is the master fisherman. I never realized until today that it really does take some skill to catch a fish--he definately has it mastered! He was pulling in one fish after another. Two big catfish, one largemouth bass and a bunch of little bluegill. Colby caught a few bluegill. And I caught a couple little fish and one big largemouth bass--that was fun! And Greg..well he took fish off of hooks and put worms on. And best part...this is our backyard. (Colby was the one behind the lens today so that's why no pics of her)

And yes, I was using a Spiderman pole :) The kids got new poles this year. So I got the old Spidey pole. Ha!
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