Friday, December 31, 2010

An end, and a beginning.....

For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
~T.S. Eliot

Friday, December 24, 2010

I Need A Silent Night.....

Not very often is it Amy Grant that speaks to me...but this song hit it right on with me today.....take 4 minutes of your life to remember that it's not about the hustle and bustle, the gifts or the endless food. And remember, it's all about the Baby Boy....

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Yes, I found this posted on the side of the fridge this weekend. Think the holiday rush might be getting to me yet?
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Just cute

Don't think I shared the kitten story yet. Around the first of September or so I told the kids they could each get a kitten from a friend who's cat had kittens and they had to get rid of them. We like to keep plenty of cats around here (ALL outdoors) to keep the mice population under control. And we were down to about 4 cats. So, we ventured out to get TWO kittens. Well, after arriving and trying to make the difficult decision about which two to get, I just said oh what the heck. We'll take them all! So I brought home all six little black kittens. And we LOVE them! They are the sweetest little things!!
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Snow Babies

These two had a blast in the snow this weekend. Creighton was out there ALL.WEEKEND.LONG! Colby joined him on Sunday. Here they were strategically planning how they were going to pelt Greg with snow balls when he got home. And yep, they got him!

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Gingerbread House

I signed Colby and Kenzie up for the Gingerbread House making class at the Art Center. This is their creation. They did so good and seemed to have fun too! Colby is my 'crafty' one for sure!!

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Around the house

Pictures don't do them justice, but here are my three trees this year:
This is the 'kids' tree in the den with all of their homemade and character ornaments:
This is the tree in the dining room. White lights and all silver, clear and white bulbs. (there is a mirror behind it so you can see the reflection which makes it look a little awkwardly shaped in the picture)

The living room tree. All silver and gold with just a few red bulbs and a big red bow.

The mantle. Forgot to take pics when the fireplace is going. Its so cozy! I'm not ready to put my Christmas stuff away even though I put it up the week BEFORE thanksgiving!

Not very good photos but that is because my NEW canon camera is AWFUL!!!! Don't want to jump the hoops to send it in to Canon etc so I just use it and complain about it instead :)
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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Too funny!

My friend Dan is retiring in just a few short days. We have worked together since 1995. He is preparing for his departure and was sorting some pictures. These are a few that he sent me and I LAUGHED. SO. HARD!

On the phone at work (December 2003)........
and November 2005--Greg sent me 100 roses!!
And March 2002--the day after I got back from Jamaica......
Lots of fun memories! Happy Retirement DAN!!!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Just because

a silly looking bird in the back yard.
our pond
a tree on my back porch :)
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And A Little Boy Turned 8..........

My little guy turned 8 in November. We rented the clubhouse at Muni for some simulator golf, Wii, etc. We followed that up with a sleepover with his two buddies from school. They stayed up late, did way too much wrestling for me, had their heads stuck together playing Creighton's new iPod touch for hours and then ran through the yard in their shorts and took a swim in the hot tub! They had a ball. However, I'm not up for another sleepover for awhile :)

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Because I have a love/hate relationship w/ my camera....

Yes, I do. I thought I would love it, but I hate it. Canon--you blew it on this one!!!!! ARRRGGGHHH! Anyway, I haven't loaded pictures since Homecoming--wasn't that like in September?????? Oops....
Greg, Creighton and Colby walking in the homecoming parade. Apparently, as seen here...Colby was texting along the way :) Shocker!
Creighton showing off his mad soccer skills.....he plays some great defense! It's not his passion, but he likes to play in the fall after baseball and before basketball. So it fit in nicely and what on earth would he do if he wasn't competing in something every season?!?!

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