Saturday, October 01, 2011

So much to little time

A little update on the kids is long overdue. Colby is STILL.PLAYING.SOFTBALL tournaments. Her season seems eternal--started in April and still playing in October. Ugh. LOVE it, but's just a little too long. She has great potential. At practice she is a rockstar at bat. At times she has difficulty bringing her full potential to the game. It's getting better and she has had a few great hits in the last two tournaments. She plays first base and does pretty well there too. She is also playing seventh grade volleyball. She is on 'Team 1' which consists of the top 6 girls in 7th grade. The last couple of games she has had a ton of confidence at the net and really has taken her game over the top. Soon it will be time for our Power Volleyball season. Looking forward to that for sure!!! She is quite the little social butterfly and has something going on all the time. Friends, friends, friends....7th grade is quite an experience...hard to believe she will be a TEENAGER is just a few short months :(

Creighton has had a few things of his own going on. In July he tried out for the Quad City Hitmen 9U baseball team and was selected. This is quite an honor and he is so happy to be playing for the Hitmen. It is quite a commitment for him and us. But, as long as he is passionate about it, we will be too. He is also playing 3rd and 4th grade tackle football. Being a third grader, it is his first year. We are quite suprised to find out how 'non-agressive' he is. He will be starting basketball in a couple weeks. Not sure how we fit everything in, but somehow we make it all work. He also has some medical issues that we are currently seeing two specialists at the University of Iowa for. Nothing life threatening, but still needs attention. Just another 'thing' to deal with. We are committed to helping him feel healthy again and will do what it takes.

As for Greg and, work, work and run kids and go to tournaments. That's it. When were not doing that, we have PLENTY to do around here. Seems quite overwhelming at times. Wish I could just have a hired hand that I can turn my 'list' over to and say 'get it done'. Ugh. We just don't have enough time to do it all.
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