My last baby....I thought possibly there might be one more, but after trying to convince Greg of that for the last two years, I haven't made any headway. So in the deep recesses of my mind I have always known that Creighton is my last baby. Never again will I have the awesome feeling of that baby kicking for the first time, delivering and caring for a newborn, and the many other feelings that having a new baby evokes. So, I have let Creighton take his time in growing up although it still happened faster than I would have liked. Up until this week he still liked to rock on my lap for a few minutes at bedtime. Not rocked to sleep, but just a few minutes to unwind, and then he would ask to be put in bed. I hung on to this and cherished every night that I got to spend holding and rocking my baby boy in this peacefulness. My family often teased us about this, wondering if I was still going to rock him when he went to kindergarten. But, I knew that this too would at some point come to an end, just as did all of his other "baby" needs. And, I wasn't going to deny him of a little rocking and snuggling if that is what he wanted. I knew it wasn't going to last forever. That time has come. The last three nights he has asked to be put in bed right after story time. No more rocking. After three years and three months, he has decided it isn't necessary anymore. I guess he is all grown up now, and I am sad......
gee wiz, I am sad and he is not even my baby.
that is very very sad. i am sorry.
I was feeling a little sorry for myself, but at the same time Creighton has been celebrating and enjoying being a big boy. No more crib, no diapers, no more pull-ups, no sippy cup, etc., etc. It's fun to see them gain some independence, but hard to let go sometimes. That's why I just had to sneak in and take a picture of him sleeping - I was afraid he would wake up a teenager!
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