Sunday, February 12, 2006

Spring Fever

Both kids suffered from a serious case of Spring Fever this weekend. They wanted to do all of the activities that we normally reserve for "fair weather fun". I don't know how they do it. It took all I had just to be out long enough to get a few pictures. They rode scooters, bikes, four-wheelers, played on the swingset and took the puppy out for a quick game of "chase". If you throw in a dip in the pool it sounds like a perfect summer weekend to me. (I could almost smell the steaks grilling:-) As for me, I'll continue to watch from the window for now and hope that spring is on it's way.... Posted by Picasa


jody said...

sounds like a good day. But I'm with you--I'm waiting for temps to get at least above freezing.

Heather said...

Only a few short weeks till we hit the beach. Ahhh....paradise.

jody said...

OK, heather, you don't have to rub it in...