It is a rare occassion to find my two children on the couch snuggling. Usually it is a battle of who gets which spot on the couch and who gets to pick the TV show to watch. That usually leads into some sort of physical struggle when one invades the other ones couch space. But, today they are displaying all sorts of affection for one another and for their parents. Colby was so excited for Valentine's Day. She has been looking forward to it for a long time. I'm n0t sure why, but it seems to have won her over more so than Christmas. Little does she know that in her Valentine card is something very special that I hope will prove to be a GREAT suprise. (I'll post the outcome on that one later!) As for Greg and I on this Valentine's Day, we just assume that our love for one another is known without all the fluff of gifts, cards, etc. (After many years of dissappointing Valentine's Days and hours of therapy I have learned to say that -just kidding on the therapy part :-) But, this morning Colby presented me with a wonderful Valentine gift. It was a little bear figurine that she had come across at her Grandma's house. She brought it home all wrapped up and in a nice little pink bag and put it in the closet about a month ago. (She thought I was oblivious to all of this, but I knew what her little plan was.) The bag sat there in the closet all this time untouched and I assumed she had forgotten it. But, this morning as I was getting out of the shower she brought the little pink bag upstairs, and with a grin a mile wide she said, "this is for you mommy!". It was so sweet. Then she proceeded to find the perfect place for the little bear to sit - next to mommy and daddy's wedding picture. What a perfect start to a hectic day. Never in a million years would I have thought that a second hand teddy bear figurine out of Grandma's basement would mean more to me than a pair of diamond earrings.....Oh, how I love my kids so.......
so cute!!!
you would never find my children in that position. well....brigg my be on TOP of lani beating her to death, but that's as close as it would get!
That little girl put a lot of love behind that one! She is so sincere. djc
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