Colby had quite a suprise in her Valentine card yesterday. She opened it to find several pieces of paper to which she said, "what is all this paper?" I began to explain that it was an airline ticket and that she was going to Key Largo for a week in March with mom and dad. I further explained the brochure that told about the interactive dolphin encounter (swim with the dolphin and dolphin trainer for a day program) that her and I are going to do. Also, I had pictures of another adventure that she'll be doing - parasailing. She was a little leary of the parasailing, not fully understanding what it is, but she was one EXCITED little girl. And I believe she is most excited that she is going and Creighton is staying home. Mom and Dad all to herself for a whole week! Boy, does she feel special! She wanted to call everyone she knew to tell them that she was going to ride on an airplane and see the ocean. She even wanted to call her teacher to which I said she could wait until tomorrow to tell her. I also explained to Colby that she was going to have to be a VERY good girl at home and at school for the next 4 weeks. She has been good as gold since that moment. Tonight at tuck-in time she hit me with this: "I love you mom, you are the best mom ever, I love you all the way up to God, you are doing a great job raising me and Creighton, keep up the good work". Wow, that was a mouthful. I am loving every minute of this!
Creighton didn't quite understand that Colby got this fantastic vacation deal in her Valentine card and he kind of got the short end of the stick with just a new Thomas the Train video. But, nonetheless, he was ecstatic. The kids got Greg a new #48 Jimmie Johnson hat just in time for the big Daytona race this weekend. And as for me, I am once again the only woman at my workplace that doesn't have a big bouqet of flowers on her desk from that special someone. Oh well, my heart just swells with love for my babies and that is all that really matters to me.
i would say a trip to Key Largo beats any bouquet of roses....Colby looks pretty happy---what a precious time that will be.
You are right - I have learned to appreciate all that Greg does for me and learned to forget about all of the stuff he doesn't do! Believe me, it took me a long time to be able to say that and accept the fact that I didn't marry a romantic. Looking forward to a week with our girl....
i got a sick-for-3-days-and-counting husband for valentines day. i'll take the trip ANY day!
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