Saturday, April 22, 2006


Colby had soccer pictures this morning so I positioned myself so that I could get a few shots too without the "real" photographer seeing me! He had the kids facing the bright sun so I am assuming that they will all be squinting in their pictures.

She had a great game this morning. She is sometimes more interested in what's going on at the field next to us or behind us, but nonetheless she had some good kicks and got to play goalie too. That's her favorite position.

Not sure if soccer will be her "thing" or not, but I enjoy seeing her participate. And today I also got to enjoy her standing on her head on the sidelines when it was her turn to sit out :) Oh well, at least she stayed on her feet during the game! Posted by Picasa


jody said...

that is too funny. She is a beautiful girl!
that is probably a cheaper way of getting the yearly soccer picture. Sneaky girl.

Heather said...

I did the same thing for the team picture. Maybe next year I won't bother to spend the $18 for a package! :)