Thursday, May 04, 2006

Michael, 555-1212

OK - Yesterday Colby came home with a note in her pocket from a boy with his phone number on it. It was not her handwriting so I am assuming he wrote it and gave it to her. (Remember this is my 7 year old BABY girl in 1st grade:) She informed me that she was going to invite him to go to Wacky Waters with her this summer. Then she proceeded to say/ask "I know that girls aren't supposed to call boys, but can I call Michael tonight?". UGH, what do I say? So I came up with the most clever answer I could muster up at the time, "NO". She was ok with that, but my mind was just spinning. I dread the day that I have to deal with this boy stuff for real! And I have a feeling her dad is not going to handle it any better.

So tonight I was cleaning out her bag and came across her yearbook. So of course I looked up Michael first thing. Oh my gosh, he is the most adorable little boy in the class! I was impressed with her choice on the outside, now I have a feeling that the hard part will always be finding out what they are like on the INSIDE. Tough job and I hope I have several years before I have to tackle that one.


Eric and Pam said...

I'd like to continue being in denial about my girls liking boys so I'm going to act like I didn't read this...

I think you could change the Heading to Michael, 911. We're all going to need help in a few years.

Heather said...

AMEN to that! We may need to form an online support group for parents with "daughters that date". I dread those days already!

Eric and Pam said...

Especially if it's daughters that date Landers boys. :) Ha ha.

jody said...

wait a second--you guys are ripping on my kids on other people's blogs, too. Geez...

Eric and Pam said...

No, no, no. That was just me. Leave poor Heather out of it! :) LOL. Actually, I was thinking that guitar player that produces beside concerts is perfect for Beth or Lucy...but I bet they'd have to race Colby to get him!

Heather said...

If my daughter dated a Landers boy I would be OK with that!!! It's the rest of them out there that I worry about! Gee Pam, you got me in trouble with Jody and I didn't even do anything! :-)

Eric and Pam said...

Watch out...I have a tendency to get people in trouble Heather! :)