First of all Happy Birthday, Greg--we love you so much even though you are REALLY getting OLD now. Just kidding--you are like a fine wine, getting better as you age....(or maybe I am just finally getting you trained :-)
This morning Greg was trying to get some sleep after working yet another 16 hour day (and preparing for another one today, ugh...). The kids stirred him enough to give him his birthday present--no need to open it, as Creighton told him all about it in advance. He is very good at that!
I decided that it would be best if we got out of here for awhile so Greg could get some peaceful rest. So we headed to West Branch for breakfast. We were just outside of West Liberty and I saw the flashing lights and knew in an instant they were for me. (How special!) Of course, the officer came to the window and asked the standard question, "do you know why I pulled you over?" Of course I did--I WAS SPEEDING, duh.... Then the second standard question, "Do you know how fast you were going". No not really, but I said "65?". He said, "I clocked you at 59." I thought to myself, "well, that's not too bad". Until he said, "the speed limit is 35mph". OOOOPPPPSSS! He took my license and came back to the car and said, "condsider this warning a $96 gift and slow it down". Whew...I have never gotten a warning, always a ticket. I was very lucky today. Could have been an expensive breakfast......
heather! maybe you should consider obeying the laws of the land. jody has good insight there!
maybe she can counsel me on this....i think i have a there a 12 step program for habitual speeders?
actually, i was just on the outskirts of town and didn't realize it wasn't 55 yet. they need to post speed limit signs about every 10 ft. :)
i'm going to ignore the mockery that is going on here...
i wasn't mocking....i'm serious :)
Jody i didn't think you would criticize me too bad though... at least I haven't ran the stop light in front of the church yet. :)
That's not fair. I got a ticket AND probation. Are you sure you sure you didn't sweet talk that officer? :)
No sweet talkin' here--don't think I would know how to or what to say! I hadn't even showered yet so he was probably scared of the sight he saw when I rolled the window down :) (we were only going to McDonalds = put on hat, brush teeth and go!)
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