Monday, May 29, 2006

Time Well Spent

I was just going through the pictures that I had taken over the course of the weekend. What a fantastic time I had with the kids these three days. I just can't get enough of them. We didn't do anything too extravagent or expensive or venture far from home, but we made a lot of memories and shared a lot of laughs. Swimming, four-wheeling, swinging, horseback riding, softball, football, trip to the playground and a couple of enjoyable meals out. It really made for a perfect weekend.

Tonight I have been thinking about how God has entrusted these two little beings to my care and upbringing. I consider it such an honor and privilege and my ultimate responsibility. No matter what else is going on in the world, they are my number one priority. Sometimes I wonder am I doing it right and am I competently completing the task that God has set before me?

I think about how much our lifestyle has changed. It's a lot of give and take. We have given up some hobbies, interests, our social life (well, most of it) and in return I have been blessed with two incredible kids. There is absolutely nothing I would rather have or do. This part of life's journey is more important than any other and I am putting my heart and soul into it. It is something that I will never have the chance to re-do if I screw it up. And I am continually amazed at how fast they change and grow. It all happens so fast and I don't want to miss a minute of it. May God continue to guide me in this process and I pray that I am reminded many more times of how sweet it is. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Cassie said...

well said heather. it's so true...only God can give us the guidance we need!