Monday, January 29, 2007


I have been searching fervently for bedding with trains on it that is not Thomas the Train or babyish. Creighton decided he wanted his new room to be trains instead of the nice antique tractor theme that I had previously decided upon. He is lucky that he is just too darn cute to resist:) Anyway, I have searched high and low and come up with bedding that looks like it should go in a baby boy's room, Thomas the Train which I said no way to, or the bright blue and red Lionel train bedding that is just too bright for me! I found one that is OK, not great, at Pottery Barn Kids, but other than that I have struck out. Any ideas where I might find train bedding for this sweet little boy pictured below ;)?

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Beckysblog said...

check out Company kids. They have awesome stuff. I am in love with their pirate bedding!

Heather said...

been there! There is one I like from there, but you can order all the accessories, but not the quilt. It must be discontinued or or out of stock, but I might give them a call to find out. Thanks!

Cassie said...

check out
might be a pain because you have to call to order, but i think you would get some GREAT bedding. they were featured on extreme makeover home edition, I think.

Eric and Pam said...

I think you should sew your own. :)

Heather said...

yeah right! i can barely sew a button!