Sunday, March 04, 2007

You just never know....

Once again, I was reminded that you never know what a day might bring. Friday night we finally got home, but by the time I got here I had a horrible ear ache. Yes, I never outgrew ear infections. So it was ibuprofin and go to bed. Not that I could sleep with the whole side of my head throbbing, but I tried. Greg took off for work at 10:30pm not to return until morning. Last time my ear hurt this bad my eardrum broke. So I was waiting for that to happen. It didn't so Saturday morning I couldn't take it anymore and headed to the emergency room in Iowa City so they could tell me that I had an ear infection, my eardrum was ready to burst and give me some heavy duty antibiotics and pain killers. But, to my surprise no ear infection. Which was very scary--how on earth could my ear hurt this bad and not be infected??? Well, it turns out that I have a 'growth' on my eardrum. Of course, the ER doctor had no clue what it might be, but said that I should see my Ear, Nose, Throat Doctor on Monday morning. So, he set me up with some narcotics and sent me on my way. They actually work quite well handling the pain and I am going to attempt to play in a volleyball tournament today. We'll see how that goes. Please pray that this is nothing and goes away on it's own!


Cassie said...

oh my gosh heather! seriously...that's awful. keep us posted and i will be praying!

Beckysblog said...

Wow, that is really strange! I hope it gets worked out quickly. That does not sound fun.

Anonymous said...

wow, heather, you have had quite the week. I will be praying tomorrow that they will have an answer and a solution. So sorry.

Eric and Pam said...

Thinking of you!

Andrea Schmidt said...

Heather I'll be praying as well. I know exactly what you mean, because I still get them as well. I'm so sorry that things seem to keep piling on you this past week. Let me know if you need help running kids or finishing your paint job in Creighton's room.
We missed you yesterday at small group, but I hope you did well in your tournament.

Cassie said...

SO...what happened at the dr?? i've been checking up...

Eric and Pam said...

Me too! How'd it go??

Heather said...

OK- I was told to go to the dr. today. I however thought that Thursday would work better since Dr. Simpson comes to Muscatine on Thursday and I could just run over to his office on my lunch hour. That way I don't have to take a 1/2 day off to run to Iowa City. So, Thursday 12:15pm it is. Now that I think about it, maybe my theory was all wrong--dedication to the workplace should only go so far. But, we'll see how tonight goes...not feeling so good now. I described this pain as "feeling like I am having labor pains in my ear". I may be headed to Iowa City tomorrow :)

Heather said...

By the way thanks so much for all your thoughts and prayers. I appreciate it more than you know....

Anonymous said...

you are insane. go to IC tomorrow. it's not worth the pain and the wait.
keeping you in my prayers...